Before I post my suggestions, let me briefly outline my profile as an MC user.
• I can't care less about skins and visual effect. In Media Jukebox 8 I used no skin at all (it was possible then), the program was looking more like a spreadsheet.
• I like an active style of listening to audio, with quick browsing and attention to real-time control.
• I consider Images and Podcasts a welcome addition, but I never used them and I wouldn't die if they were missing from MC.
• I never used video features in MC. I think that dedicated video player software has much better features.
• I use the keyboard a lot, while I use the mouse as little as possible. I prefer controlling MC with a remote control, when applicable.
My suggestions are:
- Spreadsheet mode
This is mainly for keyboard-only users like me. In spreadsheet mode only a cell at a time is highlighted, and you move between them with the standard arrow keys. When you press F2 to edit, you know in advance what is the field that is going to be edited. There should be a quick keyboard shortcut to display/hide the left pane (like F4 in Opera), in order to have full screen available in spreadsheet mode.
- Cue points
Cue points are meta-data that give added value to the audio track. They are markers to specific points into the track. The transport controls should include shortcuts to quickly jump to cue points. The user could set up A-B loops on the fly. Cue points, if standardized, could be used by DJ software too.
- Meta-data
I know there is a MPEG 7 standard being developed, dealing with meta-data in general. JRiver should follow its evolution and implement meta-data handling in future versions of MC.
- Hot-key and Single-click command activation
Everything is MC is two or three clicks away. All operations are not immediate. I regularly use just half a dozen commands, and I would like them to be quickly available, at the touch of one hot-key (or a single mouse click on a small icon). Hot-keys should be customizable. For example, transport (with cue points) could be controlled using the numeric keypad, like in the Cubase/Nuendo sequencer programs.
- Advanced navigation
I would like to find similar or related tracks in an advanced 2-dimensional display, like in the
Glass Engine. This display is based on a complete classification of tracks. Music lovers sure would not mind spending some time building their own classification, even if it requires some manual work to update the library with extra tags. Most users, however, do not want to bother and prefer to have track tagged in an automatic way.
- Track structure
The transport slider should display the structure of the track, highlighting different track elements (verse, chorus, bridge, …) with rectangles of different colors. The structure of the track can be delimited by cue points. In DVD videos, for example, the structure is made up of chapters.
Here is an example of what I mean. Dr. Masataka Goto has developed an hardware player device, called the
SmartMusicKIOSK. It allows the listener to “see” the structure of the track, and quickly jump to relevant parts of it. The reason for its development is clearly commercial. It allows the customer in music stores to quickly browse CD tracks before buying them. The SmartMusicKIOSK has algorithms that detect the track structure using hidden Markov chains. I think that automatic structure detection would be too hard to implement in MC. Music lovers, again, wouldn’t mind spending some time devising the structure of a track. So, if some automatic help can be added, I think that beat detection would be enough.