missed your earlier post. you must have made it while I was compiling my reply. I didn't get the usual board warning. amazing how quickly we come to rely on neat features like that!
thoughts from looking at your searches:
1. you have excluded .cda tracks. this suggests you have imported them into your library. I don't do this, preferring to allow the cd database to take care of those. Do you have mp3 files on removable media that you have also imported into the library? If so, this could cause you problems.
2. you have excluded files whose filename contains INCOMPLETE~. Is the tilde essential? if not, try removing it. It's a long shot, but in searches that use modifiers, such as ~a for full album, parse the entire library, ignoring previous filter rules.
ie. if I specify media type audio, at the start, and ~a at the end, the list will contain image files that have the same album field (cover art sets)
beyond that, I'm a stumped without more info to go on.
re. that deleted items viewscheme... remember, there's not much functional use for it, more curiosity value...
The search wizard has database options under 'modifiers'

Make a playlist group, and add a smartlist for each database.

add a viewscheme to the media library like so...

the first pane is an expression...

You would expect the list to be empty, we've included all databases, then excluded them individually. What's left is the "previously removed" list. Selecting 'deleted' will list those files that have been physically moved or deleted externally from MC.