" And it only works on files in Playing Now."
Hence my confusion. I just verified your convention, it works as you stated. Selecting 3 files in playing now, including current track, press "save", and only the current track is saved. Do the same and press "save all", and all 3 selected tracks are saved. Okay, the GUI is oriented to the currently playing track, it makes sense.
FYI, I am looking at tracks that I set to an EQ curve. I play the tracks later, the EQ curve is somewhat quantised, i.e. additional "steppiness" is introduced, wherein the EQ setting appear to have be re-written to the nearest whole number. Fine, MC works with whole numbers. But the current setting field shows a different alphanumeric scthom code, that is, "pusnmkkmpqt" is re-written to "pvmmkkmpps". The orignial code in the EQdb field stays the same, but the GUI curve and the corresponding "current setting" value are altered. Mind you, if that turns out to be just the way it is, I'll take it and run like a thief--this plugin has brought audiophile functionality to digital playback. But I submit it as something to think about.