I have not been able to reproduce the crash on the server. However there was a bug in the Library Server which prevented the dts/ac3 files from been streamed. The server bug was fixed in the latest build. On the client side, unfortunately, dts/ac3 streamed from the Library Server still would not play because the DTS/AC3 Source filter does not handle streaming. That is out of our control. If someone knows of any source filter for these file types that can handle stream please let me know.
My setup is somewhat complicated. Three machines are involved on a gigabit ethernet LAN.
1. A Windows XP machine acting as a file server. It does not have MC installed on it. Merely its harddisks are shared on the LAN. My MP3, dts, divx, etc files are here.
2. Another windows XP machine with MC 11.1 installed. It has a drive letter created pointing at the shared drives on the file server #1 above with the media files. This machine has the audio card and SPDIF out connected to my home theater audio systems.
3. The last windows XP machine with a web browser. I point the web browser at the MC 11.1 machine to control it and play music. When I select the .dts tracks from the browser, the MC 11.1 application crashes on the machine 2 above.
Why do I do all this? The file server (#1) is headless (no display), is large and loud with fans and lots of hard disks. It is not located in the same room where my theater is. The machine with MC11.1 installed (#2) is my hometheater PC. It is normally used as a headless machine since it is connected to a projector that is usally turned off unless I am watching a movie. Machine #3 is my general purpose internet surfing machine that is always turned on and available for use.