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Author Topic: OT - Senator Downloads Internet  (Read 3731 times)


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OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« on: July 03, 2006, 11:12:48 am »

All I can really say is... Wow.

Just... Wow.

Senator Stevens (R-Alaska) explains why he voted against the network neutrality amendment ... Well, sorta.  A quote:

I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?

Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially.
"Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 01:52:41 pm »

I had a similar problem over the weekend when I swallowed the universe.

Alex B

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2006, 03:09:11 pm »

Don't worry, the universe will pass through your digestive system. When the universe wants out I would suggest using a seat like this. The universe is known to be quite big.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:

Mr ChriZ

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2006, 03:14:00 pm »

Don't worry, the universe will pass through your digestive system. When the universe wants out I would suggest using a seat like this. The universe is known to be quite big.

I'm speechless!

Alex B

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2006, 03:34:25 pm »

I couldn't resist. I just saw the picture elsewhere and it came to my mind instantly.

(I may regret. jgreen is a frightening verbal opponent and he has a home ground advantage.)

The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2006, 05:43:34 pm »

I Think He Is In Violation Of H.R. 776

~~1.6 Gallon, Low-consumption Toilets~~

The need to conserve water has pushed governments everywhere to look for every means possible to reduce the amount of water used by the customers of municipal water companies. Since toilets account for a major amount of the water used year round, many of the municipal programs and new laws have focused on how to make a toilet flush with less water.

Before the 1950s, toilets typically used 7 gallons or more for each flush. By the end of the 1960s, toilets were designed to flush with only 5.5 gallons, and in the 1980s the new toilets being installed were using only 3.5 gallons. Today, a new toilet uses no more than 1.6 gallons of water.

While some states mandated the 1.6 gallon toilet standard some years ago, in 1995 the National Energy Policy Act (H.R. 776) went into effect and mandated 1.6 toilets for the entire U.S. In addition to dealing with radioactive waste disposal and metallurgical coal development, the federal law also determined in an obscure part of the Act what kind of toilet you can have in your bathroom. By federal decree, new toilets must flush with no more than 1.6 gallons of water, less than half the amount they used in the '80s..

At first, manufacturers tweaked the valves and floats in the tank to reduce the water used without making any changes to the tank or bowl. The two most common adaptations were to install a flush-valve flapper which closes before all the water escapes the tank (early-close flapper) or to install a plastic bucket, or toilet dam, which retains some water in the toilet tank behind the dam, thus lowering the volume of flush. Some manufacturers switched to low-capacity tanks with a standard flapper, and others chose to utilize new pressurized flush technology.

Since the 1995 mandate went into effect, there have been numerous outcries from the public regarding the poor flushing of many models of toilets that have been available. Many of the articles published in the newspaper have been based on anecdotal accounts of problems. But a recently published report by the Water Resources Research Center at The University of Arizona is supported by research. This report concludes that, despite the skepticism that greeted their introduction and a history of early problems, most low-consumption toilets are doing their job. Unfortunately, the research also shows that, over time, a significant fraction of the anticipated water savings is lost due to poor toilet design and performance modifications. Some of the modifications are inadvertent on the part of homeowners.

Jim Henderson and Gary Woodard, then with the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Arizona, studied 170 households which participated in a Tucson Water rebate program to encourage replacement of older toilets with 1.6 gallon low-consumption models. Toilets studied were purchased between 1991 and 1992, just a few years after the low-consumption toilet was introduced into the American market.

The report was prepared for the Water Conservation Office of the City of Phoenix Water Services Department, and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. The researchers installed special devices called data loggers on these homes to monitor the amount of water used by the then seven-year-old toilets. Combined with surveys of more than half of the households, the study revealed some problems with the aging toilets. The report confirmed the worst fears the water industry has had about these products -- that long-term savings are not reliable.

Nearly half of the low-consumption toilets in the study had problems with high flush volumes, frequent double flushing and/or flapper leaks. The average flush volume for all of the toilets was 1.98 gallons of water per flush, or about 24 percent higher than the 1.6 gallon maximum they were designed to use. About a quarter of the households had at least one low-consumption toilet that averaged more than 2.2 gallons per flush.
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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2006, 06:21:01 pm »

Actually, I kind of look like that.  I rarely walk on all fours anymore, unless I'm really hung over. 

Charlemagne 8

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2006, 07:14:10 pm »

At least Sen. Stevens has a good grasp of things.
The internet is NOT a truck  ... it's a series of tubes.
Now it all makes sense.

And don't mess with JGreen. He has, after all, ingested the entire universe.
That's right.
I'm cool.

Robert Taylor

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2006, 12:37:36 am »

Did anyone notice the title of that blog article?

27B stroke 6

A 27B stroke 6 is the name of the form which Sam (the hero) uses to run off some Central Services duct repairmen who arrive while the renegade duct repairman Harry Tuttle is there fixing his ducts in the middle of the night.

Of course Harry Tuttle is the chap that the Ministry Of Information is looking for, and who they really thought they had when they arrested, interrogated, and killed Harry Buttle.

This happens in the movie Brazil (directed by Terry Gilliam, and my favourite ever movie).

This has nothing to do with the article or anything else, I just couldn't help but mention it...

...stay well...


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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2006, 05:51:20 am »

Ah, the joys of having geriatric "leaders" run the world.
Plus, well, it makes a nice screen for their equally uneducated constituents complaints.

"Shucks Ma'am, if we go regulatin' everything who will invest money?"

The answer to that is AT&T built the finest system in the world under heavy regulation. Same for the electric grid. Anyone seen a Bell Labs recently? Nope, and you won't. No profit in that sort of research. Just gives stupid things like lasers and transistors. Wall Street would never stand for it.

Bah, a pox on the whole lot of 'em.


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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2006, 08:16:53 am »

Net neutrality spurs competition and innovation imo; you want (eventually) one giant congolmerate running the show...."Brazil" indeed....

btw ...OT?



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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2006, 10:46:46 am »

This happens in the movie Brazil (directed by Terry Gilliam, and my favourite ever movie).

This has nothing to do with the article or anything else, I just couldn't help but mention it...

Oh, I don't know...  I think running off the rival "duct repairmen" might have a lot to do with the content of the article.  I imagine it was aptly named.   ;)

And that glow in Jim's eyes?  I heard that's just residual photon discharge.  A result of him staring at computer monitors all day.  In fact, that's why he needs to take vacation up in the woods in a cabin (but you noticed he still needed to go to the local cafe to check on the forum -- I imagine his family loves that).
"Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

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Mr ChriZ

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Re: OT - Senator Downloads Internet
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2006, 05:50:37 pm »

Also is there anyway to purchase the software to include all future bug fixes and upgrades?  Don't like companies that at rather arbitrary points in time, usually when they are running out of funds, decide to change the version number and attempt to persuade users to pay again.

Software despite it's lack of physical tangability costs money to make.
It also costs money to get to the point where you can make it.  ie become an expert.
A complex piece of software will guaranteed never be perfect (any more than
any other complex piece of engineering),
 even if you have the best developers working continuosly on it in the world.
Some people actually try and make a living out of making software (God forbid).

They come up with silly excuses like needing to live, or paying off the
huge student loans they've had to take out to get to the point where
they can develop software in the first place (It's cost me about £16,000 (US $29512) )
and I've just finished my degree =)  Still loads to learn and more costs to come
no doubt.

Software like cars develops over time.  We could have accepted the first
car that came along, but me personally I prefer the one thats had
80+ years worth of development on top.  Same with computer programs
they get better with time, and research and development, but all of those
cost money!

What fairer way of paying for this development than a license fee for newer
models which come out every couple of year or so?  Spread across all
those that wish the new features.  Genius idea me thinks  ;)
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