Hi all,
This is quite off topic, but i figured that if anybody would be able to answer my question it would be somebody who reads these boards.
I've just bought a terastation 1tb, but I'm having problems setting it up. Windows cant seem to find it, even though the bundled client application shows the right ip address. It's not recognized as a share in windows, so mapping it as a drive is out, and when you try to launch the setup app (which i guess is based on the terastation itself, because it launches internet explorer and tries to go to the ip address of the terastation) it times out and cant find it.
I think the problem may be in that I am using the built in lan port in my pc to access the internet, and then I'm using a new gigbit ethnet pcmcia card to connect to the terastation. Perhaps the pc is only trying to use my original lan socket.
If you know of a better place that I should be asking this question, or even better, if you have a solution for me, it'd be most appreciated.