Just upgraded to 111 - the album names seem to be working better now.
Dunno whether it was the new version or just restarting it that did it, but the logging has started working now!
It says:
0314797: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Failed (header status code: 406)
0314797: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Finish (719 ms)
0314797: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Finish (719 ms)
0314797: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: ConnectToURL failed, m_bConnectError=TRUE, URL=http://www.mp.com/gallery/main.php?g2_controller=remote.GalleryRemote
0314797: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Finish (719 ms)
0314797: Reader: CInternetReader::Close: Start
0314907: Reader: CInternetReader::Close: Finish (110 ms)
0314907: Reader: CDownloadUIDlg::Thread: Finish (829 ms)
0314907: Reader: CDownloadUIDlg::StartDownload: Finished download. Return Value = 3 (Failed to connect to a server.
Reason: Not Acceptable
0314907: Reader: CDownloadUIDlg::StartDownload: Finish (829 ms)
(I've replaced the domain name, though I don't suppose that really matters much!)
The photo is just a 16k jpg.
The gallery version is:
Gallery version = 2.1 core 1.1.0
As you say, it certainly appears to be logging in ok - it's getting the list of albums correctly.
If I get it to convert it and resize it first it makes no difference, which kind of rules out it being a problem with the file itself I guess...