I searched the forum, and didn't find what I was looking for. Maybe it's there and I missed it.
The new flac libraries allow for pictures (cover art) stored in the metadata. I checked Oblong's old flac decoder to see what is supposed to happen.
Looks like when MC tries to store an image file, it uses the SetAttribute function with the MF_IMAGEFILE keyword and then passes the name of the image file. Is that still correct? Will the file be any particular format (all of mine appear to be jpeg) ? Just curious if png or tiff or bmp might show up unexpectedly.
Further, it looks like when MC tries to retrieve an image file, the GetAttribute function is supposed to return a path and filename to the unencoded image. Again, is any particular format required and is that still the appropriate method to use?
I noted that when I added a jpg to a flac file, MC automatically found it and displayed it as cover art even though the plugin was not aware of it. You must be scanning the file looking for a jpeg header. This may or may not be a problem since flac's are now capable of storing any number of images in the Picture Block. I assume you'll just pick the first one you find (it may not actually be cover art).
Thanks, guys.