V198 testing results (logs sent) - overall now looking very good
with a few bugs!
1) Dropping Sound: When stoping a recoding from a HD channel the sound gets dropped (recording1.log), same also when stoping a TS from HD channel (followed by MC crashing - see TS logs)
2) 3/4 Display problem on TS is fixed.
3) Commencing TS on an HD channel still displays only a black screen & no sound (see TS logs) - pressing FFW or RWD brings the Video Back, then pressing play / pause works fine after that.
4) Playing a TV channels no longer goes straight into Display View
5) Did not see any "Failed to Play TV" errors.
6) You can still not edit the TV Names from the "TV Config" diag box (fine from "Scan Channels")
7) The TV recordings are named as "STATION M_DD_YY HH_MM_SS" but would be good if MC could put the Month / Day in the correct DATE format like in the rest of MC (eg for me DD_MM_YY)
Also some further observations in regards to the MC IR IF stuff for TV Control.
1) Record Button - FYI recording.log should have the pressing the "recoding" button logged
2) Recording Indicator - The bottom diag box stays visible for the entire recording, not just at activation and stoping like with Timeshifting where it is hidden after a few seconds