I mean, can I do a replace, an append, or a prepend without "finding" anything? Say i want to add "2007<space>" to the front of every instance of the "name" field for a certain group of tracks, no matter what the name is and even if the field is blank. Will these operations work unconditionally? Or say, I just want to fill a series of blank fields with some calsulated string.
Here's another feature request. Can data be replaced, appended or prepended based on its position in a string? This might be how your "bytes" thing works, I don't know. But here's the example:
Say I have a set of strings of varying content but identical format. "Date" would be a good example, where I have various dates of the format "mmddyyyy" and I want to replace, append or prepend ALL instances based on format, rather than "finding" any particular content, which would be inconsistent. Can this be done based on, say "replace positions 3 and 4 ("dd") with "<something else>"?
In previous versions you had an option to start the operation x places ahead or behind the found object. But you still had to find an object, so if I wanted to insert something 3 places in, I had to "always" prepend a "-", and then later "find" the "-" and insert my new string 3 spaces behind it. Otherwise the "prepend" operation could not be pushed 3 spaces into the string, I recall.