Morning SnakeZZ,
You're not doing anything wrong, it's just the nature of [date imported] (Assuming the space in [ Artist] is just a typo on your part

). It behaves the way it does because by default, the time is also included, and that often queers the pitch. If you use the library browser views with album thumbnails, then you won't come against this problem because when sending albums to playing now, they are sent in track order, but in panes, it can be troublesome.
The way around it is to make a new library field from the raw [date imported] data that excludes the time.
1. Go to Tools > Options > Library and Folders > User fields > Add Field
2. Name the field Import Date
3. Set the Audio flag
4. Select "Calculated data"
5. Paste the following into the template field:
formatdate([date imported,0],yyyy//MM//dd)6. Click OK
Now go to your view scheme and use the following sort rule: ~sort=[import date]-d,[artist],[album],[disc #],[track #]
and you should find everything now sorts as you'd expect.