I dont really like itunes cover flow. It seems kind of backwards, flicking through thousands of unfiltered cd covers. I digitized my music collection to get away from that.
The one thing that i envy of itunes users is the album view though. Media center was one of the first programs to introduce browsing by album thumbnails, and led the pack for a while, but now even wmp has an album view that lets you see album thumbnails with the track listing next to it. If media center had this ability, I would probably stop using the "bottom files list" altogether.
I'd like to be able to switch between details/album thumbnails/album view using icons in the view header or top toolbar, and for it to not change where i am, in terms of scrolling, too.
Another option would be to click on a thumbnail and have a "Switch to..." drop down menu which gives the previously mentioned options, and again keeps that file center in terms of scrolling position.
Sorry to hijack your thread about cover flow, but i think we are both looking for an easier way to browse albums.