I have 2 things to add:
- try my plugin (it takes 10sec to download and another 10sec to install it) BTW it's not a plugin but a template for the trackinfo plugin
- last.fm gives us a list of tags AND their ponderation. So those tags comes from different real humans listeners and you can eliminate irrelevant one by setting a treshold on the ponderation.
I tried it. Nice work! I'll use this for sure. Might need a little tweak for my 720P projector, but that should be rather simple I think.
It's great the way you get info on albums, top tracks, similar artists and tracks as well as the the biography. That's really handy, but when it comes to the genre part, it's a mess.
At least for Fu-Gee-La with Fugees (and I belive it's the same for lots more). Can't copy the genres to show you, but there is a TON of genres. And not even ONE of the major ones it the correct one. Wich I belive is Reggae.
That's why I belive it's better to enter the genres your self per Album basis.
My plugin will NOT cover genres, but rather put the tracks in situations you would like to listen to them.
I belive this trackinfo will work well side by side with my plugin. Not merged together, but as two different things. The uses seems to be quite different.
Mine is used for tagging, and yours is used for retriewing usefull info for each track. It did not update any of my tags, or am I mistaken?
It would probably be easy to show the Mood/Style tags in your track info, but I belive the main use for my tags would be making smartlists witch fits the right situation.
Please correct me if I'm wrong