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Author Topic: Clean File Properties- Feature Request  (Read 2428 times)


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Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« on: January 07, 2008, 03:36:21 pm »

Small feature request for the clean file properties-
I've just been importing a large number of TV series, and it'd be great if the 'Clean File Properties' had an option to remove leading numbers :)
I can remove just about anything else automatically, either through find & replace or clean file properties, but theres no easy way that I've found to remove leading numbers.




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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 04:55:34 pm »

Maybe use fill properties from filename for this?

[] is a placeholder for "null output". It can be used for ignoring parts of the filename string, such as your numbers.


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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2008, 05:20:08 pm »

[] is a placeholder for "null output". It can be used for ignoring parts of the filename string, such as your numbers.

Thanks for that hint! I was wondering if there is a placeholder for trash. I always used some unused Tag fields for this and clean them up after the tagging job. Sometimes it was a bit confusing. But now I'll save some clicks and time!  8)


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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2008, 05:26:00 pm »

Don't suppose you can post an example can you?
I can't get it to reliably deliminate between the numbers and the start of the title- I can do it if I list all the numbers in sequence & so-on, but thats a horrible hash that takes as much time as removing them manually.

Still think that it'd be a very nice little addition to the clean file properties for very little effort.



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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2008, 07:52:17 pm »

Can you give me a few examples of your filenames?


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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 02:08:38 am »

have you checked out the "removeleft(...)" expression function?

If you have a load of files with unwanted stuff at the start of, say, the [name] field, such as numbers. If the numbers are all uniform in length, 001 to 999 for example, you could select them all, then edit the [name] field for those files in the tag action window.

Enter: =removeleft([name],3)

Press enter and the three leading numbers will be removed, leaving the rest of the [name] info untouched.
Is that the kind of thing you're after?



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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 02:27:00 am »

Still waiting to see darichman's answer here :D

...another one of those hidden uses for Fill from Properties.

If you can get the incantation right, there's nothing to beat it.


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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 03:35:29 am »

Still waiting to see darichman's answer here :D

...another one of those hidden uses for Fill from Properties.

If you can get the incantation right, there's nothing to beat it.
in Darichman's absence, I don't think he'll mind...

if the file were named: 123-myname_recordlabel myalbum
and you filled from properties on filename using: []-[name]_[] [album]
then [name] would be filled with myname and [album] would be filled with myalbum
everything else is ignored.

if the file were named 123mynamerecordlabelmyalbum then there is no separator, meaning expressions, mid() in this case, would need to be used.
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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 05:29:07 am »

Marko beat me me to it :)

Generally, if there is something to separate parts of the filename, fill properties from filename is the way to go
Otherwise it's a matter of getting rid of the unwanted bits
RemoveLeft([filename (name),3) for leading numbers (or RemoveRight for trailing numbers) works if there are the same number of digits involved
I start getting confused with mid functions marko :)

Hope you got it sorted
There is definitely a lot of power here and we all forget about ways to do things, especially when expressions are involved :P
*adds expression wizard* to wishlist


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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2008, 06:45:28 am »

in Darichman's absence, I don't think he'll mind...

if the file were named: 123-myname_recordlabel myalbum
and you filled from properties on filename using: []-[name]_[] [album]
then [name] would be filled with myname and [album] would be filled with myalbum
everything else is ignored.

if the file were named 123mynamerecordlabelmyalbum then there is no separator, meaning expressions, mid() in this case, would need to be used.
MC has an answer for just about everything!


hi Marko,
Suppose the amount of leading numbers is unknown (but you know they are of type "digits"), besides doing the same operation for several times,
is there a better way like [\d+][name] (regular expression that captures one or more digits) ?



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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2008, 07:23:57 am »

What matters is whether the seperators between the number & the text are unique, if so then fill from properties will still work.

Otherwise, there is no support as yet for regular expressions in MC.


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Re: Clean File Properties- Feature Request
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2008, 09:19:49 am »

Not a bad solution, but IMHO would still fit better in clean file properties :)
The filenames usually run in one of these variants FWIW:
Code: [Select]
1- Episode title.mkv
[1] Episde title.mkv
Series- 1- Episode title.mkv
As such, my current process is to use the find and replace tool, with which I can remove most stuff, but I'm always left with the leading number, whose number of digits can vary, but will always be numerical.
The RemoveLeft expression looks to be quite useful, but looks like it'll require an eye keeping on it.

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