Unfortunately, the Denon cable is no longer listed on Amazon.com.
105 of 125 people found the following review helpful: This Cable has more Uses than originally Intended! - Its a GREAT BUY!, June 13, 2008By Justin A. Denton "J Dent"Well, not to brag, but I have to say I've found many additional uses than what this cable was originally intended for. First I thought it was just a mere audio cable that I've seen at every audiophile store in the land, but oh, its much more. This is not only a audio cable that has recieved the utmost detail to manufacturing attention. I have also been able to hook it up to my Router that connects into my DSL Connection and instantly upgrade myself to a OC-3 connection. Yes thats 400+Mbps of Data streaming into my house, just by merely connecting this cable between my DSL Modem and my Router. You jest?, Well the reason why is the quality is extremely higher than a typical Cat-5 Cable, or even a Cat-6 Cable. I would have to say this cable is rated at cat-7 or even better. Along with being able to upgrade my 1.5mbps DSL connection to 400+mbps, I have been able to successfully utilize this cable to connect my PC into a Switch that allows me to establish one of the most amazing home networks. Just by doing this I think I'm running at a 10gigabit + network speed. Its amazingly fast, with this cable and a few tweaks like upgrading the switches in my house, my network cars in my PC, actually buying a different cable, I've been able to achieve a LAN speed of 10Gigabit. I must say the only thing I haven't tried to do with this cable is replace the powercord on my toast and hardwire this to the electrical current in my house to see if it will give me a more perfect slice of toast. Not that I'm questioning its ability to not, I have to solely believe that if I do this my toast from my toaster will be the holy grail of toasts. I'll be able to sell my secret recipe to Mc Donalds and then Mc Donalds will finally have Toast with their Big Breakfasts. See in reality all you joke about this cable being so expensive, but if your looking to get ahead in life, you need to buy this cable. This cable will be one of the sole reasons why you become rich. It will help you out with your chores, I have mine mowing the lawn right now. I said hey Cable. I spent $500 on you, your gonna mow the lawn. Granted, I kinda have a feeling its going to be just handing on the handle where I left it and the Lawn won't be mowed. But if that happens, their will be H*LL to pay.. I will serve this cable up a heapin' helping of a can of Whoop @$$. Needless to say, me and my $500 cable have become great friends, actually because everyone quit being my friend, because I say they are Jealous, they tell me I'm stupid for spending $500 on a $3 cable.. I say they are just Jealous.