Like Yaobing says, what the "!%¤"# are you americans complaining about?! In Norway I saw gas prices going above 14 Norwegian Kroner per liter yesterday. That means $2.8 per liter, or more than $10.6 per gallon. And do you know what Norway's largest export article is? No, not Norwegian blue parrots, that's Monty Python. It's oil!

Then again I don't mind much since I'm driving my gas guzzler (Chevy Suburban '95 A.K.A. The MediaSUV) on LPG. And that costs less than $4 per gallon!
Since we live more than 20 miles from the nearest town with a decent selection in the shops and 7 miles from the nearest town all in all (which right now is the place to be for the cultural elite, even from New York - the Chamber Music Festival is actually world famous), riding a bike isn't really practical. And electrical cars are environmentally friendly and cheap to drive, but I would not drive one of those little Think or Buddy shoe boxes on the highway! But some companies has really gotten the point. This may very well be my next motorbike:

Fully electrical, 125 mph top speed, range of 70 miles and around 12 seconds on the quartermile! At the moment it's not yet on the market, but this one is:

Around $12 000 in Norway, top speed of around 60 mph, 0-50 in less than 7 seconds. Pretty impressive for a scooter!