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Author Topic: Possible keyboard or core commands in theater view?  (Read 1950 times)


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Possible keyboard or core commands in theater view?
« on: September 28, 2008, 02:22:08 am »

I've been searching for specific core commands or keyboard commands that will let me do a few things in theater mode. If they don't exist then Id like to recommend implementing them in MC13. The first command I was looking for was a direct add (play now) key that I could highlight a song or video in theater view and it will automatically add that song when command is pressed to the playlist (play now).  Another command I was looking for was a key that went into and out of full screen visualization or full screen video and when it came out would go directly to the last location before command was pressed, instead of the playlist. The last was a key to skip forward or back a certain amount of seconds in a song or video similar to what Windows Media Center uses for their videos. Instead of using fast foward by 5x or 10x I could just press the button a certain amount of times foward to skip 30 seconds into the video and then could press back and it would skip back 5 seconds. Thanks


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Re: Possible keyboard or core commands in theater view?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 04:00:17 am »

Another command I was looking for was a key that went into and out of full screen visualization or full screen video and when it came out would go directly to the last location before command was pressed, instead of the playlist.
there are keyboard shortcuts for that or mcc commands, the mcc commands are here:
first go to options>theaterview>behaviour>jump on play, and set that to one of the display view options or none, but not to playing now. now use ctrl3 to switch between thv and fullscreen or use the mcc command (for instance with a remote).

The last was a key to skip forward or back a certain amount of seconds in a song or video similar to what Windows Media Center uses for their videos. Instead of using fast foward by 5x or 10x I could just press the button a certain amount of times foward to skip 30 seconds into the video and then could press back and it would skip back 5 seconds.

in the mcc list there are also commands for seeking back and forward, you can set the amount of time in there. im not sure if it depends on what kind of files you are playing. ctrl shift left and ctrl shift right also jump forward and back.



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Re: Possible keyboard or core commands in theater view?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 04:21:20 am »

Thanks gabbie for the quick reply. I didn't know I could just skip into full screen in theater view but it works perfectly, I appreciate your quick response. I'm trying to cram so many things into this Media Center before I start throwing parties.. Random people usually pick songs and add  music videos to playlists so I need to make it as simple as possible.. So 1 button will do everything..

I just realized that when you are in fullscreen the arrow keys will pull up onscreen options which could be altered easily by somebody who does't know what they are doing. Is there a way to disable arrow keys from bring up onscreen menu and instead the back arrow key will act as a back key?

And i'm guessing there is no command shortcut to automatically add a song or video to (play now)?


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Re: Possible keyboard or core commands in theater view?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 04:55:30 am »

I just realized that when you are in fullscreen the arrow keys will pull up onscreen options which could be altered easily by somebody who does't know what they are doing. Is there a way to disable arrow keys from bring up onscreen menu and instead the back arrow key will act as a back key?

im not aware of a way to disable the arrow keys in fullscreen..... wait.

yes you can, but you disable that option also when you are not partying. you can make your own keyboard file
its a bit complicated but there are some threads about it also, and when you need more help with it just post. but in this keyboard file there is a part where the up, down etc keys are defined, under:
<!-- Playback engine shortcuts (shared) -->
you find these:
   <Entry Key="Up" Command="28002" TranslateFlags="32" />
   <Entry Key="Down" Command="28003" TranslateFlags="32" />
   <Entry Key="Left" Command="28004" TranslateFlags="32" />
   <Entry Key="Right" Command="28005" TranslateFlags="32" />
taking them away takes the fulscreen menue items away... nice actually..

And i'm guessing there is no command shortcut to automatically add a song or video to (play now)?
i dont know of one.  :)

btw: i tested the arrow key stuff in an easy way. went to C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources and eddited the resource.xml file. where the keyboardkeys are defined. and reinstalled mc to set it back to default.  ;)
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