Confishy, or someone, could you help me get started. I want rules to be able to create the following kinds of rules:
If Album Rating = 0, then tag to 3
If [filename] contains Photos/Brian, then [Source] is Brian
I managed to create them for the previous version of the plugin but cant figure out how to make them with the current interface. Much appreciated.
There's a couple of ways to do this.
The first, create a RuleSet to find exactly the files you are looking for using an MC search expression e.g.
[Media Type]=[Audio] [Album Gain]=3
Then, in the Rule definition (the subnodes), create a rule that sets the vaule of the Tag to 3 (i.e. using a static rule)
For the second example,
[Media Type]=[Image] ([Filename]="Brian" or [Filename]="Photos")
Then, use a Static rule to set [Source] to Brian
Alternatively, and this is the better way:
Set the RuleSet to search for ANY file that you MAY want the rule to apply to, then use a "Fill Fields from Expression" Rule to filter and set the value of the field you want - using the MC expression language.
for example, the RuleSet would look something like....
[Media Type]=[Image]
and the EXPRESSION based RULE would look like (for just Brian)...
you could either create a more complex rule for the "OR Photos" or create a second expression rule in the ruleset specifically for "Photos"... which is the way *I would do it....
Essentially a RuleSet is a MC Search string for a given set of Rules to act upon.