Well - I got home today and it was still stuck at the same message as when I left. I clicked the stop button and nothing happened so I closed it down. I used version 3.4.1 - I had deleted the MCSync columns from my MC library prior to starting so this was a clean run.
Here are parts from the log:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MCiS Version="" StartDateTime="2009-06-23T12:08:10" Options="ffc0280000c3e000" ImportFileTypes="mp3;wav;m4a" iTunesPlaylistFolder="MC Playlists" ExportPlaylist0="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\" ExportPlaylist1="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\AM Gold Collection" ExportPlaylist2="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Blues Masters Collection" ExportPlaylist3="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\CDX Albums" ExportPlaylist4="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Chillout Albums" ExportPlaylist5="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Funk Essentials Collection" ExportPlaylist6="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Ken Burns Jazz Collection" ExportPlaylist7="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Motown Collection" ExportPlaylist8="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\New Wave Hits Of The 80's Collection" ExportPlaylist9="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Old School Rap Collection" ExportPlaylist10="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Rock Of The 80's Collection" ExportPlaylist11="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Soul Collection" ExportPlaylist12="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Sounds Of The 70's Collection" ExportPlaylist13="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Star Lounge Collection" ExportPlaylist14="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\The Philly Sound" ExportPlaylist15="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\The Rolling Stone Collection 1967 - 1992" ExportPlaylist16="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\The String Quartet Collection" ExportPlaylist17="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Tour Of Duty Collection" ExportPlaylist18="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Ultimate 70's Collection" ExportPlaylist19="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Ultra Lounge Collection" ExportPlaylist20="Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Wax Trax Collection">
It also did a bunch of strange things by adding playcount and skip counts to songs that didn't have any changes!!!
<Track Filename="K:\Music Collection Share\Music Collection\Lyle Lovett\Lyle Lovett - The Road To Ensenada\02 - Her First Mistake.mp3">
<SkipCount ChangedIn="MC" OldValue="1" NewValue="2" />
<SkipCount ChangedIn="iTunes" OldValue="1" NewValue="2" />
<Track Filename="K:\Music Collection Share\Music Collection\Loverboy\Loverboy - Loverboy Classics - Their Greatest Hits\01 - Turn Me Loose.mp3">
<AlbumRating ChangedIn="MC" OldValue="80" NewValue="60" />
<PlayCount ChangedIn="MC" OldValue="3" NewValue="6" />
<PlayCount ChangedIn="iTunes" OldValue="3" NewValue="6" />
<SkipCount ChangedIn="MC" OldValue="2" NewValue="4" />
<SkipCount ChangedIn="iTunes" OldValue="2" NewValue="4" />
I had the option to add missing tracks to itunes and to clean deadlinks (and it did this for several songs) - it tried to import 13 - was successful on 6 of them:
<ImportToiTunes Filename="K:\Music Collection Share\Music Collection\VARIOUS ARTISTS\Mixed Pop - Rock CD's\Classic Live Performances\03 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (Live).mp3">Successful</ImportToiTunes>
For those 6 it then did the following:
<Track Filename="K:\Music Collection Share\Music Collection\VARIOUS ARTISTS\Mixed Pop - Rock CD's\Classic Live Performances\03 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (Live).mp3">
<Rating ChangedIn="iTunes" OldValue="0" NewValue="20" />
<AlbumRating ChangedIn="MC" OldValue="20" NewValue="40" />
<RemoveBrokenLink Artist="Lynyrd Skynyrd" Album="Classic Live Performances" Name="Free Bird">Successful</RemoveBrokenLink>
The above track is in both the MC and Itunes library
And finally the playlists/smartlists (these were actually all smartlists in MC):
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\AM Gold Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Blues Masters Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\CDX Albums" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Chillout Albums" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Funk Essentials Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Ken Burns Jazz Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Motown Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\New Wave Hits Of The 80's Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Old School Rap Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Rock Of The 80's Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Soul Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Sounds Of The 70's Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Star Lounge Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\The Philly Sound" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\The Rolling Stone Collection 1967 - 1992" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\The String Quartet Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Tour Of Duty Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Ultimate 70's Collection" />
<CreatedPlaylist Playlist="MC Playlists\Dan's Smartlists\Album Collection Smartlists\Ultra Lounge Colle
I can see the folder and the playlist in Itunes but when I click on the playlist in itunes it is completely blank.
sorry for the long post. Hope this helps.
Wisdom teeth... Ouch - been there done that..... ICE and drugs!!!