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Author Topic: using same library & collection, loaded on flash drive, across several computers  (Read 1943 times)


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I'd like to be able to move around the same library & collection, loaded on a flash drive (USB key) between different computers. I don't want to get into the synching process. (I use only one computer at a time anyway!) At present only one laptop has everything on it with the tags all pointing to the same folder.  How can I do this and is there a way of easily changing the tag info on all songs so that it would reflect the usb -- if I can do this??
Hope this was coherent!
tnx S

Alex B

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You can create (or clone) a library in any disk location with the Library Manager tool.

If the drive is removable you need adjust the drive letter so that it is the same on all PCs. (Normally Windows remembers a set drive letter between sessions. Choose a letter toward the end of the alphabet like Z so that other removable devices are unlikely to reserve the same letter if your "media" flash drive is not aways connected.)

If a library is cloned the media file paths must be fixed to point to the set drive letter. You can do that with the "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" tool.

After fixing one of the MC instances you can simply point a new library to use the same library database location on the other PCs.

MC has also a "portable install" option, but it may not work as smoothly as the standard install. It is mainly intended for situations in which the user needs to access MC (and the library) on a foreign computer without actually installing MC. The portable install provides a somewhat limited feature set (there are a few things that do not work).


I just remembered that I once saw this YouTube video:
How to Assign a Drive Letter to a USB Drive
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Sorry it took me a while to get to this. I had no trouble changing the drive letter, per your instructions (and YouTube clip).

I got stuck when trying to figure out how to change the folder to point to, (ie. change the file path) in one fell swoop for all of the files. Would you mind giving me the specific steps that could do that? Checked on Wiki MC help, but discussion on View Schemes was totally confusing (maybe it wasn't even applicable in this case.)

Thank you so so much,

Alex B

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To change the location of the library (only the database files):

File > Library Manager > Add...
Name: [can be anything]
Location: a folder on your flash drive
Clone: select the source library

To fix the base folder path (or paths if you have many -- fix each path separately):

Select all files and use the "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" library tool. Here'a quote of my reply in another thread:

1. Create a fresh library backup file (it's good to have it if something goes wrong)

2. Disable the auto-import feature (untick the "run in background" setting)

3. Move the files and folders outside MC by using Windows Explorer. A simple drag and drop should move the complete file structure quickly if the target location is on the same disk partition.

4. Fix the library to point to this new base path:
   - Select all files and open the Rename, Move, & Copy Files tool.
   - Select the Update database point to new location (no file rename, move or copy) option
   - Tick only the Find & Replace option
   - Find what: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Music
   - Replace with: C:\Music


Naturally you must use your actual paths, no the paths in my example. MC will literally replace the characters in the Filename field so take care that both strings end similarly (either with or without a backslash).

After you have fixed the library you can add it to your other MC instances with Library Manager. Do as I instructed before, except that don't enable the "Clone" option. MC will add the fixed library you have on your flash drive.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:
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