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Author Topic: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here  (Read 4996 times)


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Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« on: September 02, 2009, 11:57:44 am »

This is a stable version of MC 14.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

14.0.61 (09/01/2009)

1. Changed: When loading the Microsoft video decoder, MC will use the correct filter name for each OS (usually "Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Decoder" for Vista or "Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder" for Windows 7.)
2. Fixed: 64-bit shell extension registration could effectively unregister 32-bit shell extensions.
3. Fixed: Shell extensions could leave JRTools.dll locked, making it necessary to reboot to do an install.
4. Fixed: The 'Next' button wasn't properly disabled during the file copying stage of the install. (only applies to build 54 and newer)
5. Fixed: After finishing with the remote control learning wizard, changes weren't saved (only applies to build 60).
6. Fixed: The Library Sync from Library Server wasn't writing all of the fields properly in the local library.
7. Changed: Manually switching libraries when using Tremote will no longer stop playback on the server.
8. Fixed: Playing Hulu clips could leave the player in a slightly undefined state once playback was stopped.
9. Classified
10. Fixed: Windows 7 RTM could show some devices twice or show spurious iPod detection warnings.

14.0.60 (08/31/2009)

1. Changed: When loading an image for a file fails, the 'Image File' field will only be cleared in cases where the actual file itself can be found. (so playing a missing file won't clear cover art)
2. Changed: In digital television and DVD playback, if the user does not select a video decoder (i.e. the user chooses "Automatic"), MC tries to use "Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Decoder" if available.
3. Changed: In digital television and DVD audio/video decoder selection "Let DirectShow choose a filter for me" and "Automatic selection" are renamed "Automatic" for consistency across the program.
4. Fixed: Library sync using library server.
5. NEW: Reworked how Remote Control options are presented.

14.0.59 (08/28/2009)

1. NEW: Shell extensions are available on 64-bit Windows.
2. Changed: Television recording files (*.jtv, *.jts) are not allowed to be moved, renamed, or copied in "Rename, Move, & Copy Files..." tool. One can move the entire folder containing the jtv file to a new location manually and then use the tool to update database to point to the new location.

14.0.58 (08/27/2009)

1. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar).
2. Fixed: The store database field 'Purchase Description' would show as 'Description', causing confusion.
3. Fixed: The [location] token in Theater View skins would not work nicely in some views.
4. NEW: Theater View 'Television' view allows viewing recordings by date recorded or by program.
5. Fixed: Television view would still show "Cancel Recording" button after a program recording has been canceled (build 57 only).
6. Fixed: Television device configuration window was displayed using wrong parent window, causing MC to crash when popup windows were dismissed in wrong order.
7. Fixed: [Deleted] store licenses weren't getting retrieved in some cases.
8. Fixed: Choosing Tools > Options > Playback > TV Tuner > "Reset TV settings..." while watching a digital channel could cause MC to crash.
9. Changed: When playing, Media Center will prevent S3 system sleep.
10. Fixed: Television subscriptions nicely handle the updated metadata layout of build 57 (so subscriptions look at series and name for deciding what to record).
11. Fixed: Canceling an on-going television recording could take a long time to take effect (build 57 only).
12. Fixed: Loading read-only libraries was not working properly. (only applies to last few builds)
13. Changed: Updated the Chinese language file (thanks to Katapa).
14. Changed: <not available> is changed to <no programming info> when showing OSD television currently playing/recording channel/program info.

14.0.57 (08/26/2009)

1. Changed: Went back to using the default system font instead of an upsized-version of the system font.
2. Fixed: Protected WMV files could fail to play due to the bitrate monitor filter.
3. Changed: Improved support for external cover art that uses an extension other than .jpg. (tiff, gif, jpeg, png, etc.)
4. Fixed: Tagging using in-place-editing could stall longer than expected when moving between fields.
5. Fixed: The 'Remote Control' configuration wizard could crash if the wizard was advanced while a placement test was running.
6. Fixed: Pushing the Green Button while a menu was showing in Theater View could crash.
7. Changed: Adjusted the Green Button rolling logic so that slower button presses will still roll through the three views (current, root, display).
8. Changed: Playing a video file from Theater View that was already playing but was just paused will show it fullscreen and start playback.
9. Fixed: After in-place editing in the panes, the selection would change to nothing selected instead of keeping the edited item selected.
10. Fixed: Arrow navigation while doing in-place pane editing could cause problems. (arrow navigation not possible since each change could reorder or renumber the list)
11. Changed: MC will recognize MyMovies data as an alternate format in a video sidecar file, and will read tags from it.  Tag writing will always be in MPL format.
12. NEW: Upgraded XMLTV television parser to support actors, original release date, rating, series, etc.
13. NEW: Television program and recording metadata structure revised for better handling of series and original release dates.
14. Changed: NOTE -- Revised default Theater View file info panel defaults so customization must be reapplied. (you can use Manage... > Copy Template To Clipboard to backup existing templates before upgrade)
15. Changed: Tweaked wording on the new import Action Window to be more clear.
16. Fixed: When doing an import of DVD files on disk, the program could do a tag, which would write a sidecar file or show a tagging error.

14.0.56 (08/25/2009)

Internal testing build.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2009, 12:01:07 pm »

14.0.55 (08/21/2009)

1. NEW: DSP Studio supports ordering of effects. (drag items in list to reorder)
2. Fixed: In some cases, DSP plug-ins would not draw properly.
3. NEW: VST DSP plug-ins remember the program and program settings between runs of the program.
4. NEW: Playback Range field is user editable to allow custom cue-in and cue-out points.
5. NEW: Playback Range field accepts high resolution times like '1:22.343344 - 3:21.3902013'. (still accepts low resolution times like '1:22 - 3:21' or simple millisecond numbers like '82000 - 201000')
6. Fixed: In some cases, connected Tremote zones could get saved as a permanent zone. (if extra zones exist from this bug, they must be removed in Zone Manager)
7. Changed: Default font size one point size larger (font can be changed in Options > Tree & View > Font).
8. Changed: Express installs will simply launch the program instead of showing a finish page in the installer.
9. NEW: Added new channel mixing mode to DSP > Output Format 'No mixing' that leaves unused channels silent, allowing third-party DSP plug-ins to provide sophisticated channel expansion.
10. Changed: Improved support for VST plug-ins that have more channel outputs than inputs.
11. NEW: Initial import after a fresh install uses the Action Window and works without user intervention (although intervention is optional).
12. Changed: The system that shows the import dialog when loading an empty library will only run on the first library load of the program's run. (so switching libraries won't show it)
13. New: Wavpack encoder

14.0.54 (08/20/2009)

1. Changed: Bitrate Monitors will not be used on protected Windows Media videos.
2. Fixed: DSP plug-in names are translated.
3. NEW: Added new handheld transfer option "Save video thumbnail to '[File].jpg' file" (enabled by default on WMDM devices).
4. Optimized: JRiver edit controls are much faster when dealing with large values.
5. Changed: Installer uses JRiver user interface controls instead of Windows controls. (please report any issues)
6. Fixed: The 'View' menu would crash when viewing the root 'Playlists' item in the tree.
7. NEW: Installer architecture revised to allow running Media Center at the end of the install on Vista and Windows 7 with UAC enabled. (install split into two components: one elevated and one not elevated)

14.0.53 (08/18/2009)

1. NEW: Classified
2. Fixed: In rare cases MC would behave badly when the user switched to a television channel with no/weak signal.
3. Fixed: If scheduled television recording started while the user was already watching the channel, and if the user stopped watching before the scheduler stopped recording, some redundant graph building took place.

14.0.52 (08/17/2009)

1. Changed: On a fresh install (or after resetting Theater View items to show in Options > Theater View), 'Hulu' will be listed before 'YouTube' in Theater View.
2. Fixed: Hulu in Theater View called 'Featured Videos' 'Popular Videos'.
3. Changed: Theater View navigation works better when the secondary navigation roller is empty. (like when stopped in Playing Now)
4. Fixed: When Theater View's Playing Now refreshed, the scroll position could be lost.
5. Changed: Simplified commands roller showed when viewing a web media video from Hulu or YouTube in Theater View.
6. Changed: A playlist's menu will include the command 'Clear [Playlist Name]'.
7. Changed: Typed navigation in the tree searches first sibling-level items, than visible child-level items, then parent-level items. (so looping is more natural)
8. Changed: Revised how 'Recently Imported' is pruned so that it only keeps things 1 day old or newer. (previously kept 7 days old or newer and at least 50 items)
9. Fixed: Tag changes made in Theater View could apply to the entire list instead of just the selected file.
10. Fixed: Lineup list style in Theater View could scroll unexpectedly when moving the mouse near the edges of the list.
11. NEW: Added new Theater View skin 'Obsidian Touchscreen' -- more choices on the screen for touchscreen usage. (feedback welcome)

14.0.51 (08/14/2009)

1. Fixed: If 'Abort' and 'Cancel' had the same translation (like in German), it could cause some confirmation messages to not support cancel. (removed usage of 'Abort' on these dialogs -- will always use 'Cancel' instead)
2. Changed: When remote control learning is complete a system ding is played.
3. Fixed: Remote control engine could crash in some cases.
4. Changed: Remote control stops any key repeats after 10 seconds for stuck-down situations.
5. Fixed: When learning from a remote control, it would check a stale list of learned buttons to see if the button was already in use.
6. Fixed: In rare cases, remote control learning would allow learning the button up code as the code, causing strange behavior.
7. Fixed: The remote control wizard setting to power cycle a device was not being remembered.
8. Changed: Improved the quality of the remote control image used in the remote configuration wizard.
9. Fixed: Typing in the folder box when importing a single folder could be difficult.
10. Fixed: The 'Add' function in Theater View would operate on all files instead of just the selected file.
11. Fixed: Overlay text in Theater View could be covered by the file info panel.
12. Changed: F11 no longer shows Display View when nothing is playing (instead goes between Standard View and Theater View).
13. Changed: Theater View list wrapping was not always reliable.
14. Fixed: Breakdown the mpc demux on exit.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2009, 12:29:32 pm »

14.0.53 (08/18/2009)

1. NEW: Classified

What is this?


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 12:46:10 pm »

It's a store, coming in a future version.

Johnny B

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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2009, 04:40:15 am »

The field "Search for Library Servers" is still not translated. I've been reporting this for many many months if not years already but it is still shown in English no matter what language is set in MC (e.g. the string seems to be translatable being in the language file however MC for some reason does not reflect it).
Could you Jim / Matt please either fix it finally or at least tell me why it did not happen yet? It is really tiring to report the same issue again and again and not to get any attention at all for such a long long time...


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2009, 11:23:21 am »

The field "Search for Library Servers" is still not translated. I've been reporting this for many many months if not years already but it is still shown in English no matter what language is set in MC (e.g. the string seems to be translatable being in the language file however MC for some reason does not reflect it).
Could you Jim / Matt please either fix it finally or at least tell me why it did not happen yet? It is really tiring to report the same issue again and again and not to get any attention at all for such a long long time...

Please keep a list of issues and repost it occasionally with new builds. 

The list of library names will be translatable in a coming build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2009, 12:52:40 pm »

Please keep a list of issues and repost it occasionally with new builds. 

Have you considered JIRA for your issues? Also handles voting if desired. We use it where I work, and are very pleased.

Just a tip, since I have given up repeating bugs not fixed to you, as I have other things to do...
Note to myself: Read, think, write - Read, think, write - think, read, write - think, write, read - think, write, read... Aahhw, i always mess that up...


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2009, 01:01:11 pm »

Have you considered JIRA for your issues? Also handles voting if desired. We use it where I work, and are very pleased.

Just a tip, since I have given up repeating bugs not fixed to you, as I have other things to do...
I've looked through your 2009 posts and don't see it.  I see what looks like a hardware problem, a feature request (ctrl-u in Theater View), and a report about "nest" which I don't understand.

No, we're not looking for a bug tracking system.  What we have works well for us.  Sorry if it's otherwise for you.  I'll split this out later if it develops into a discussion.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2009, 06:47:05 am »

Just upgraded from v13 to v14 and found the following oddities during the upgrade process:

1. After uninstalling v13 and restarting, C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 13\JRShellExt.dll remained on my hard disk.

2. Installation of v14 went well, however, when I sweep through all the options and customize things to my liking, I usually turn OFF (uncheck) all the 'Features' in Tools > Options > General > Advanced > Features. In this iteration of v14, this causes an application crash once I hit "Okay" out of the Options window. It may be the turning off of one or more "Feature" that is crashing the app ... not sure which feature.

Otherwise, I like the v14 so far ... nice mouse-wheel scrolling behaviour!

(Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2 / 2GB RAM)
Derek Pert
(Windows 11 Pro x64 / 32GB RAM)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2009, 09:16:07 am »

2. Installation of v14 went well, however, when I sweep through all the options and customize things to my liking, I usually turn OFF (uncheck) all the 'Features' in Tools > Options > General > Advanced > Features. In this iteration of v14, this causes an application crash once I hit "Okay" out of the Options window. It may be the turning off of one or more "Feature" that is crashing the app ... not sure which feature.

Good find.  This will be fixed in a coming build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2009, 03:17:41 pm »

I use Track Info PM1.6 in MC13, but I get a white screen in MC14.



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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 10:42:26 am »

I've looked through your 2009 posts and don't see it.  I see what looks like a hardware problem, a feature request (ctrl-u in Theater View), and a report about "nest" which I don't understand.

I would have explained the nest if you asked me. Silence is not better...
But since I do not have a license on v14 yet, I cannot verify if it is still there.

If you want to test it, try to order "playing now" above "Audio" in theater view config. When having "Audio" highlighted, check if it is allowed to nest that item. I assume it should not be allowed. When I clicked it (for the fun of it), it created a lot of duplicated items in the list.

I am sorry if I seem a bit impatient. I'll shut up and let you do it as it suits you.

Note to myself: Read, think, write - Read, think, write - think, read, write - think, write, read - think, write, read... Aahhw, i always mess that up...


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 10:24:29 pm »

Acc plus radio no work


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2009, 06:40:28 am »

Acc plus radio no work
Please start a new thread (New Topic in the upper right corner).  AAC needs a DirectShow filter.  Our wiki has information on DirectShow.  MC doesn't play AAC without it.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.61 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2009, 06:49:13 am »

I have directshow and work fine in mc 12,but mc 14 open a window saying i need quicktime.buet i have instaled quicktime.
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