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Author Topic: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?  (Read 9920 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« on: September 06, 2009, 10:43:09 am »

I believe this is really a PS3 question, but since it's related to using MC I thought I'd post here since the PS3 forums don't seem to help much.  I can play a single file just fine, but I haven't figured out how to play an entire artist, album, or genre.  Any MC + PS3 users out there?



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 05:45:35 pm »

I use MC with the PS3. I set it up as a UPnP device. See the following thread.


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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 08:34:28 am »

Thanks.  I did read that prior to my post.  I may not have been clear.  I have MC working with my PS3.  What I don't understand is how to play anything but a single track on the PS3, and building a playlist in the PS3 seems to be incredibly painful.  I know this is more of a PS3 question, but the PS3 forums don't really seem to be very technical.  I did post there, but didn't get an answer.

When you are using your PS3 can you, or how do you, say I want to play all music by the one artist and then add another artist to the playlist while using the PS3?  I'm starting to suspect this isn't possible, and that I need to build a custom playlist in MC first, and then play the MC playlist through the PS3.  That's the only way I could figure it out which is kind of lame, but maybe that's the current state of the PS3.



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2009, 09:57:41 am »

When I use the PS3 as a UPnP device, I can navigate using the MC views. Actually, this is the advantage of using MC vs. other software all of which appear to be based on file location. I don't use any playlists on the PS3 (not sure why anyone would want to manage them on the PS3 and in MC).

So your views are going to be different than mine, but I navigate by:


And of course I can navigate through and select my playlists/smartlists.

The PS3 plays whatever I select. An entire playlist/smartlist, album, etc.

Do you have the PS3 setup as a UPnP device with MC or are you using a different method to connect?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2009, 10:02:55 am »

How do you play a folder (e.g. artist)?  The only options I have are to Copy or Information.  I can navigate all of the MC views just fine, I just can't play anything but a single track.

I can't answer your configuration question the way you are asking it.  I followed your notes on the Wiki, and searched for Media Servers in the PS3.



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2009, 10:13:54 am »

I navigate the MC views and it plays everything. Not just a single track. There is nothing in MC that is limiting it. I'll play with the PS3 side and see if I can figure out what your problem is.

BTW: if you set the PS3 up as a media center it is a UPnP device.


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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 10:21:32 am »

You're confusing me with the PS3 setup.  I don't configure the PS3, I search for the UPnP.  The PS3 is already configured in its default configuration.  Maybe this is where I'm having issues.  How do I "configure" the PS3 the way you are describing?



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 10:30:09 am »

OK, I think I figured it out.

On the PS3, when you are playing music, select options. Options is the green triangle.

You should see 3 rows of options. There is text on the 4th row that tells you what option you are on.

Navigate to the third row repeat option. Repeat is the one that looks like a race track/loop.

There are 2 ways to set the repeat. You can toggle it by hitting the X. If it has the race track/loop 1, it will repeat the same song over and over. Toggle it until you have the race track/loop without the 1.


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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 10:32:04 am »

You're confusing me with the PS3 setup.  I don't configure the PS3, I search for the UPnP.  The PS3 is already configured in its default configuration.  Maybe this is where I'm having issues.  How do I "configure" the PS3 the way you are describing?


Ignore this, this is just technical talk that is confusing you. If you set up the PS3 as a media server in MC, it is a UPnP device. Anyway, ignore this for now.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 10:36:15 am »

OK, I think I figured it out.

On the PS3, when you are playing music, select options. Options is the green triangle.

You should see 3 rows of options. There is text on the 4th row that tells you what option you are on.

Navigate to the third row repeat option. Repeat is the one that looks like a race track/loop.

There are 2 ways to set the repeat. You can toggle it by hitting the X. If it has the race track/loop 1, it will repeat the same song over and over. Toggle it until you have the race track/loop without the 1.

I've done that but the root of the problem is that I can only select a single track.  It would be awesome if I could select the folder to play by artist, or genre, or by album, but I can only select tracks, and not folders to play.

There must be something that is so obvious to you that I don't know how to put into words.  My problem isn't when it's playing the single track, it's that I can only select a single track.  When I'm on the folder for an artist there are no options to play the folder.  All I can do is continue to navigate down to a single track, or copy the entire contents of the folder to the PS3 but I don't really want to replicate my entire database of music to the PS3.  That kind of defeats the purpose.

Let's talk about this.  Can you select more than one artist to add to the queue to play on the PS3?  How do you do that?



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 10:52:30 am »

All I do on the PS3 is navigate the MC views and play them. I will give a step by step example. All of the navigation in this example is on the PS3.

I go to the Music column and select the MC Media Server.

After selecting the Media Server, it shows Audio, Images, Video, Playlists. I select Audio.

It now displays my views. I select one, Album/Artist for this example.

I select an Artist, it now shows All Albums as the first selection, followed by the other albums. I select one of the Albums.

It now shows a list of the tracks within the album. I select it. the PS3 plays the 1st track and goes on to the next tracks in the Album  automatically.

Is this what you are doing?



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 11:00:50 am »

I think I have it figured out now.  I feel like somewhat of a moron, but I see why I was confused.  I think it's due to how I use MC on the PC that led me down this path.

By chance the album I was doing my quick tests with had only one track.  It was an oversight on my part.

By the time I tried other albums that had more than one track I was trying to figure out how to add the folder.  It didn't occur to me to try a single track because in my mind, I already did that.

When I use MC on a PC I right click on a folder and add it to Playing Now.  I never knew that MC would continue playing all of the files in a folder after selecting the first one.  I was trying to use the same model on the PS3 and it wasn't working.  So the real answer to my first question is, "You cannot play a folder on the PS3, you can only play tracks"

Thanks for the help.  I think part of the problem is the PS3 is fairly limited, but now that I understand the limitations I'll find a way to work around it.



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 11:12:58 am »

When you say folder, are you talking about the folder on the PC? If you are, you can play a folder.

To do so, you navigate like I described before, but select disk location. You can navigate to any of the audio folders. When you select a folder you will see the tracks in that folder. Select the first track and it plays all of the tracks in that folder. The confusing part may be the way the navigation works. You don't say play the folder, you select the folder then say play the tracks in the folder.

Anyway, if you have more questions let me know.


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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 11:20:32 am »

No.  I'm referring to using the PS3.  When I navigate the MC media server, each artist, album, genre shows up as a folder on the PS3 where the only options available are to drill down further, Copy the folder to the PS3, or to see useless information about the folder.  I cannot play the folder like I can on MC.  It's the very same navigation you see at the top of MC, but the way the PS3 displays it.



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 11:34:04 am »

No.  I'm referring to using the PS3.  When I navigate the MC media server, each artist, album, genre shows up as a folder on the PS3 where the only options available are to drill down further, Copy the folder to the PS3, or to see useless information about the folder.  I cannot play the folder like I can on MC.  It's the very same navigation you see at the top of MC, but the way the PS3 displays it.


I'm still not sure we are on the same page.

I navigate as described earlier, but I DO NOT copy the folder to the PS3. When I navigate to an album for example, and drill into that album and see the tracks, I use the X on the controller to select the track and play it (followed by the rest of the tracks in that album). I DO NOT copy anything to the PS3.


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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2009, 12:18:31 pm »


The difference is that you cannot play a folder on the PS3 like you can with MC on a PC.  That's where I got myself confused.  I was trying to use the same model for playing music on the PS3 that I use with MC on a PC.  The artist, genres, albums show up as folders and the PS3 cannot play a folder, it can only play tracks, but MC on a PC can play both folders and tracks.  I'm not referring to file system folders, I'm referring to MC organizational constructs.



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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2009, 12:40:48 pm »

OK. Good luck. Again, if you have more questions just post them.


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Re: Set up on PS3, how do I play a folder?
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2009, 12:50:50 pm »

I certainly will.

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