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Author Topic: any way to mark/show folder rating?  (Read 2183 times)


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any way to mark/show folder rating?
« on: September 22, 2009, 07:51:56 am »

Is there a way that the folders can show the average rating based on the songs rating inside the folders.

When I browse Drives & Devise > my music collection
I want them to show in different colors such as red orange green yellow etc indicating the average rating of the songs.


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Re: any way to mark/show folder rating?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 01:22:03 am »

No, that is not possible. There is no way as yet to get MC to do averages in the files view.

The only place where its done is if you have a view scheme and display as thumbnails in the files view. Then when you mouse over the thumbnail it will show,  amonst others what the avg value of the track ratings is.

I've been asking to have this for a long time so in the meantime i just created a custom field called Album Score and put these values in manually. Its possible then to create a calculated field which combines [Album Score] wth [Album] and then use that field in a viewscheme to show both on the same line.

Otherwise if you have the skills, you can export out a listing of your files in MPL, create some scripts in a language of your choice to work on them and then re-import the MPL back into MC. I think this will be the best way to do any arithmetic manipulations as nothing stops you from using the most fancy formulas in your script. See mark_h's posts in this thread if you are interested. Be careful with this method tho as it has the potential to mess up your MC library!

At the moment there is no way to assign a different colour to text in any of the views. Funnily enough your idea of red, green, etc is something i asked for but using custom art to indicate it in a files view. That request is still outstanding   :(


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Re: any way to mark/show folder rating?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 01:42:51 am »

You could also set up a library view to show albums on top, and set it in details as opposed to the default thumbnails, you can then view (and sort by) average album ratings.

Once you select this option, the view editor will expand, allowing you choose and order detail columns.

Choose to sort by rating, but don't use the "Rating" column, instead, add an expression based "Album Rating" column using formatnumber([rating,0],2) to see the album rating to two decimal places. Also note that if you include the [Track #] column in this view, it will reflect the number of tracks on any given album, as opposed to [various track #'s], which is nice :)

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Re: any way to mark/show folder rating?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2009, 03:15:02 am »

Quite right, forgot about that one :-[

Wish they'd extend it so it could handle more than just a column per view.


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Re: any way to mark/show folder rating?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2009, 04:00:30 am »

as marco suggested. as a side note, you can also use the album thumbnail at the top and add the expression from marco under the thumbnail and sort by forinstance rating. this gives you the possebility to put artist before the album giving the artist average rating also.



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Re: any way to mark/show folder rating?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2009, 09:59:23 am »

You could also set up a library view to show albums on top, and set it in details as opposed to the default thumbnails, you can then view (and sort by) average album ratings.

Choose to sort by rating, but don't use the "Rating" column, instead, add an expression based "Album Rating" column using formatnumber([rating,0],2) to see the album rating to two decimal places.

Thanks, Marko - very useful.

One question - should I add the expression, as I did, in the view itself under "Columns to Show"?  Or as a new calculated field under "Tools-Options-Library & Folders-Manage Library Fields"?  I can't seem to see how I can maintain a highest-to-lowest sort the way I did it.


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Re: any way to mark/show folder rating?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2009, 11:49:00 am »

Good to know that there is a way to do the sorting as per the average rating but while I was waiting for the answers I found an old program "FolderIcon XP"
I had while using XP (7Yrs old) but it works even now on windows 7 flawlessly.

It changes the folder icons which show in window explorer as well as in media center too.
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