Someone else might be able to tell you exactly how.
I wonder who that could be?

Sorry, I am a bit busy now, but I have described the system several times. I have gathered many of my cover art and image slideshow related links in the following replies: idea of an automatic slideshow feature is good and it isn't new. There used to be some third party plugins/visualizations that attempted to create a cover art slideshow, but in my opinion none of them worked as well as the built-in "manual" slide show works. Possibly the old plugins would not even work anymore with MC14.
A feature request to JRiver:
A new display visualization called "auto slideshow" for audio files.It would have exactly the same control features as the current slideshow (transition effects, timing, play/pause/next/previous, zoom, etc) and also:
It would populate the slideshow automatically when a new track starts playing. It would have a few options for the possible image locations, for instance:
- a tickbox for "audio file's folder" and a sub-option "include all subfolders"
- a tickbox for "include defined relative subfolders" and a box where the paths can be added, e.g: .\art;.\covers (a certain character, like semicolon, could work as a separator)
- a tickbox for "full paths" and a box where the paths can be added, e.g. D:\images\my new vacation pictures\first set\;E:\images\my new vacation pictures\second set
- an option for "don't refresh the image list before playback is stopped and restarted". This option would make possible to keep the first gathered and started slideshow running during the complete audio playlist.
The image playlist should be sorted alphabetically by default, but possibly also the sort order could be adjustable.
The options should be available before any files are played so that it would be possible to preconfigure the visualization.
It should not be limited to the jpg format. Maybe only raw images should be excluded because probably decoding them would be too slow.