I have a view that just lists Audio Albums. When I add the 'Albums' field to the view and select it as sorted by 'Random' the albums are not sorted randomly. In fact I'm not sure what type of sorting is actually applied since some of it appears to be sorted based on Artist name, but some artists are not sorted together so the sorting is not consistent, but it stays the same when switching in and out of the view (refreshing it).
This has been this way for as long as I can remember using MC. Is this the interpretation of random? That the sorting appears to be random (but not really), but is the same no matter when I browse this view?
The only way to get the albums to show up randomized is to go into the 'set rules for file display' and set the sorting to Shuffle. As soon as I do that the albums are randomized, but so are the songs, so I can't play the album tracks sequentially.