On one of my imports into MC something went wrong with some of the tracks, in that the bitrate was misread. They were all given a value of 128kbps when in fact they are Apple Lossless files with varying bitrates. The track length was also affected, with track lengths listed as being considerably greater than they should be (presumably this is linked to the bitrate misreading). I have successfully imported the same tracks into another MC library, so I am confident that if I could re-import the tracks into MC in such a way that MC re-reads all the tags, all will be well. I am aware that I could clear my MC library and start again, but as most of the large library is OK i would rather not do this. When I try to re-import these files, having removed them from the library, MC imports the files very quickly using the tag info from the previous import, and thus I still have the incorrect values for bitrate and track length. I have tried updating library from tags for the problem tracks, but this doesn't correct the error.
So, essentially I am wondering if there is a way of forcing MC to re-read the tags for tracks which have been previously removed from the MC library, without having to go down the clearing the library and re-importing everything route.