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Author Topic: FAQ's/Tutorials for someone new to computer audio and MC14  (Read 2030 times)


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FAQ's/Tutorials for someone new to computer audio and MC14
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:42:22 am »

I am new to computer audio, I started a couple of weeks ago when I purchased a new computer.  Based upon some research, I've decided to start off w/ Media Center 14 as it sounds as though it will be much easier to learn how to use compared to Foobar.  (A review on the Computer Audiophile site clinched the deal.)

Besides being new to Media Center, I'm also new to computer audio software (I do know a little about different file types and differences in bitrates, etc.).  Although I have over 300 CD's, I have not ripped any of them yet and I am in no rush to do so.  Right now, I'm trying out streaming services and have decided that I prefer MOG to Rhapsody, Napster and  I have not yet tried Pandora or Slacker.  Rhapsody, Napster and have too many restrictions on what can be played, how often it can be played and contain too many 'preivew' clips.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you could point me to some FAQ's/tutorials that will make it easier for me to learn how to use Media Center and hopefully not make some dumb mistakes that can be easily avoided.
Here are two sites/articles that I've found so far:

Media Center 14 info at the Well Tempered Computer:

Windows 7 Audio & J River Media Center 14 Configuration at Computer Audiophile:

Can you recommend any other FAQ's or tutorials?  I'm especially interested in learning how to keep track of/manage songs and playlists.  Does MC 14 work w/ playlists created in Mog, Napster, Rhapsody, etc. (I believe to play songs from Rhapsody you have to use their player, which is another strike against using Rhapsody)?  After relocating this summer, I'll probably get a Squeezebox Touch, so I'd like to set up how I manage songs/playlists in a way that will work w/ Squeezebox.

Thanks so much for any and all suggestions.  Below is my equipment list (I'll probably be getting a musicstreamer DAC in the next week or so).
* Dell XPS 8100 (i7 860 (2.8GHz), 8 GB ram, running Windows 7 x64), Realtek HD Audio SC w/ Tru Studio PC software (Creative/THX), Swann D1080 Mk II speakers
* Senn HD 650, Perreaux Sihoutte SXH1 amp
* Denon AVR 3806, Denon DVD 1920, Revel Concerta F12 speakers
* Monster HTS 3500 Mk II and various cables.


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Re: FAQ's/Tutorials for someone new to computer audio and MC14
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 06:22:08 pm »

Here's the thing. MC is so powerful there are quite often many ways to do the same thing. There is no right or wrong, only what works best for you. To get a handle on it, I would suggest starting with one thing, and gradually building your knowledge as you go. As you do things, you will undoubtedly have questions that you would like answered. Posting here is the best place for that. You will usually find many users and developers chiming in to help.

I would start with audio first, by ripping those CD's. I would create a file structure something like Artist then Album, even for single tracks. If you are an Audiophile you will probably want to use FLAC format which is lossless. It's larger, but doesn't "throw away" data to make the track smaller. As you rip files you will want to tag them and download cover art etc. Just going through these processes will teach you piles of information on how MC works.

What if you do something that you later want to change? For instance what about changing the file structure to something different. You will find MC very robust and there are automated ways of doing this etc. I wouldn't worry to much about getting it "right" the first time. What was right for me 3 years ago, it not what it is now. I'm constantly changing and tweaking my Library. I would just dive and play around. One thing you can do is create a Library Backup before making major changes. That way if you break things you can go right back.

Hope this helps a bit.


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Re: FAQ's/Tutorials for someone new to computer audio and MC14
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2010, 06:23:09 pm »

Oh I should add there is also the Wiki. You can find the link on this page...


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Re: FAQ's/Tutorials for someone new to computer audio and MC14
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2010, 07:22:11 pm »

Thanks, your approach makes sense.  One question I have is whether MC14 allows you to import playlists from streaming services such as MOG or Napster, and if so, can you merge them w/ songs/albums that you have downloaded or ripped?  My understanding is that tracks/playlists from streaming audio providers are not actually music files (e.g., flacc, mp3) that are stored on my hard drive, but rather they are just links to the server of the service they came from.  Is that correct?

Thanks again.  I really appreciate the suggestions.


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Re: FAQ's/Tutorials for someone new to computer audio and MC14
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2010, 09:30:21 pm »

MC does not support importing playlists from streaming services as far as I know. I don't really use them though. I'm not sure if you can create a playlist in MC that combines tracks from your hard drive with those of services. Perhaps someone can fill in the blank on that one?

Your are also correct that with most services files are not stored on your hard drive. There are exceptions to that though. Some services allow downloading files with DRM (Digital Rights Management), these files will only work as long as you have a subscription with the service. After that they will be unplayable. The other type of server "streams" files to your computer as you play them.
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