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Author Topic: Quick Find in File/Cover Art Directory at version 15.0.32 still doesn't work  (Read 5153 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I put an image (.jpg) in the same folder with the mp3 files, i select the files from Media Center and with the right click at the mouse select Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory doesn't work. Then the programm fixed image and file and you can see the image when file plays. This worked with all previous versions of Media Center but not now. It works when i use copy/paste but it creates a new file .jpg inside the folder. Could you fix it?


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what is the EXACT name of the jpg file and what are the settings found here:
Tools > Options > File Location > Cover Art ?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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what is the EXACT name of the jpg file and what are the settings found here:
Tools > Options > File Location > Cover Art ?
The name of the file is a common name in usualy is the name of the album like Dream House.jpg

Settings for Tools > Options > File Location > Cover Art are : In the same folder as the file (as Folder.jpg).

I use Media Center 14 also and here it works perfectly for the same file. In generally it works (tested) in all versions of Media Center 11, 12, 13, 14 only when in the same folder with mp3 files (songs) you have put only one image file jpg. Now i don't know what happens. Settings that i use of Media Center 11, 12, 13, 14 are the same as i wrote you before.


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Settings for Tools > Options > File Location > Cover Art are : In the same folder as the file (as Folder.jpg).

There's your problem.  It's looking for a file named exactly FOLDER.JPG and of course it doesn't find anything since you've got the jpg named differently than that.

Switch that setting to "same folder as the file".


  • Junior Woodchuck
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There's your problem.  It's looking for a file named exactly FOLDER.JPG and of course it doesn't find anything since you've got the jpg named differently than that.

Switch that setting to "same folder as the file".

I tryed to 15 but doesn't work. At 14 works with  "same folder as the file'' and with ''In the same folder as the file (as Folder.jpg)''.


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What's the full filename (path included) of a file you're having problems with?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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What's the full filename (path included) of a file you're having problems with?

I don't have problem with a specific file. It doesn't work with any file. And as i told you it works with a differents files at Media Center 14.
Try to put a new folder with mp3 files and an image (only one) in the folder you have music. Select Run auto import files, then Media Center open Recently Imported and here you find the new mp3 files and the image. Select only all the mp3 files and then with right click at the mouse select Cover Art\QuickFind in File/Cover Art Directory.
This is a very good, clever and easy way to fix mp3 files with an image and i think it worth to be fixed.


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I'm having troubles reproducing this.

If the image has some unrelated name, you will have to associate it manually using Quick Find.

If you use the same name as settings (folder.jpg or artist - album.jpg) import would automatically associate with the artwork.

I did see one little issue that might explain what you're seeing if you're using the same folder over-and-over again.  Build 35 will have this change:
Changed: Doing a manual 'Quick Find Cover Art' will force a rescan of a directory for art (previously could use a cached scan up to one minute old)

If you don't think that could explain it, please provide a full filename (path included) of a music and image file you're testing with.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I don't use the same folder.
I have different folder for every artist and inside of artist folder a different folder for every album.
And sometimes (if i have back and front image) inside of album's folder i create a cover folder and inside of it i put the back cover and i left the front cover with the mp3 files in order to fix with them.
Also i use a sort name for the image files.
Sometimes (rare) the programm automatically fixed mp3 files with image but in the most not and i'm forced to use 'Quick Find Cover Art'.
But i don't understand why at all previous versions works and now don't.
Now i use Version 14 with Version 15 and at 14 works perfectly. At 15 it shows me that search to find the image but nothing.
And as i told you this happens with differents files not with a specific.
I don't think that there is a problem with the names or with the folders.
Something happens with the version 15 because it looks like tries to fix image with mp3 but....dispite of version 14 that works.


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If you don't think that could explain it, please provide a full filename (path included) of a music and image file you're testing with.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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If you don't think that could explain it, please provide a full filename (path included) of a music and image file you're testing with.


E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd1\00-Unknown Artist_Jazzy Spring.jpg
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd1\01-Mongo Santamaria_Day Tripper.mp3
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd1\02-Jeff Linsky_Mornin'.mp3
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd1\03-Wojtek Pilichowski_Skradaj.mp3
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd1\04-Quincy Jones & Bill Cosby_Hikky Burr.mp3
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd2\00-Unknown Artist_Jazzy Spring.jpg
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd2\01-Tania Maria_Come with Me.mp3
E:\My Music\Assorted\Jazzy Spring\cd2\02-Peter Cincotti_St. Louis Blues.mp3


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Also at Version 14 works and at the bottom toolbar shows me 'saving changes ...' but at 15 nothing.


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I tried the exact same filenames, and couldn't reproduce.

As a test, could you try a local C:\ drive?

Also, what does the 'Image File' column show at each step of the process. (i.e. right after import, then again after doing a Quick Find)

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Alex B

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"00-Unknown Artist_Jazzy Spring.jpg" is not in the [Album Artist (auto)] - [Album] format. I don't think it can work automatically.

Old MC versions allowed any filename for the image file if only one image file existed in the media file's folder. For instance, cover.jpg or [album].jpg were possible, but not anymore.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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"00-Unknown Artist_Jazzy Spring.jpg" is not in the [Album Artist (auto)] - [Album] format. I don't think it can work automatically.

Old MC versions allowed any filename for the image file if only one image file existed in the media file's folder. For instance, cover.jpg or [album].jpg were possible, but not anymore.

Media Center will not automatically associate with an image unless the name matches "[Album Artist (auto)] - [Album]" or Folder.jpg (assuming only one image in the folder).

But if you do a Quick Find manually, it uses looser matching rules and will allow any single image in the folder to associate.

However, this brings up a good point.  Is it possible there's a hidden folder.jpg file AND the 00-Unknown Artist_Jazzy Spring.jpg in the folder?  Media Center will not be sure what to do in this case, and may associate with nothing.

Could that explain what you're seeing?  You'll have to turn on viewing of system/hidden files to check this.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I tried the exact same filenames, and couldn't reproduce.

As a test, could you try a local C:\ drive?

Also, what does the 'Image File' column show at each step of the process. (i.e. right after import, then again after doing a Quick Find)

I've tried at the local C\:drive but also nothing.
In rare cases is right after import, but always nothing with a Quick Find.
Also, when i use Quick Find it seems try to find but isn't show me a message like a version 14.Why don't you look at 14 to see how it works?


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I'm sorry, but I'm really stumped on this one.

It would help a lot if you would answer the questions I asked about the Image File column and the possibility of multiple images (like a hidden folder.jpg) in the same folder.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I'm sorry, but I'm really stumped on this one.

It would help a lot if you would answer the questions I asked about the Image File column and the possibility of multiple images (like a hidden folder.jpg) in the same folder.

The image column is blank.
There is no hidden folder.jpg. There is only one image in the same folder with the mp3 files (checked).
I already have turn on viewing of system/hidden files and i have check this.
I'm sure 100% that is version 15 problem and there is no relavant how to i store or name the files (because all the names is like adove).
I have checked and the problem is the same with other files.
Something is wrong about the program. I use this from the version 9 to 14 for all this year, it worked perfectly with the same files now doesn't.


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Hi Matt,

I can reproduce this on my computer. It's a windows 7 64 bit. I created a blank library and setup a test folder with some files and a random image. I did an import and it automatically downloaded cover art (I forgot to turn off). I deleted the cover art and agreed to let MC delete from HD as well. I did a quick find and it never found anything. I've attached a screenshot that shows the end result. Don't laugh at the song selection... :)

Edit. I tested with renaming the file file to Folder.jpg and it importedQuick Found it. I also verified there were no hidden or protected OS image files in the directory.

Edit2. Did some testing and the only thing it accepts is the album name or folder.jpg. I tried various combinations of artist/album, but no luck. I think if there is only one file in the directory, it should use it no matter what the name.


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This will be fixed in build 44 and later.

Sorry it's been so tricky for us to track.  And thanks for all the help.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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