A friend and I developed a convention a while back for handling multiple artists. I'll post it here on the off chance some-one finds it useful? As usual, this is just one way of doing things - I find it works very well.
Field Definitions[Artist] • The primary artist by which the track is recognised
• This is usually the band or primary vocalist
• This is the composer for classical music and for film/television/game scores without a primary vocalist
• See also “Differential use of primary [Artist] field” below
[Album Artist (Auto)] • This is an uneditable field which the program uses to group albums by artist
• If more than one value for [Artist] is contained within the album, will be set to (Multiple Artists)
• Will automatically inherit the [Album Artist] field if that is populated
[Album Artist] • A manual override for [Album Artist (Auto)]
• Useful for albums with more than one artist, but which are still recognised by a particular artist
o Eg. 2Pac: The Rose that Grew from Concrete was a collaboration of various artists but is still attributed to 2Pac, so [Album Artist]=2Pac , not (Multiple Artists)
[Featuring] • Used for artists who feature or guest star in a track but are not a primary artist
[Composer] • The original composer of the music
• For classical music, I use the format last name ● first name as it is usually easier to remember “Mozart” than “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart” when scanning the alphabetical list
• The reason a comma is not used is because this is used as a list delimiter
[Lyricist] • Person who wrote the lyrics
[Conductor] • The conductor of orchestral performances
[Soloists] • Individual musicians or instrumentalists
• Role may be appended in parentheses
o [Soloists]=Artur Rubinstein (Piano)
• Multiple performers may be listed using semicolons as delimiters
o [Soloists]=Andras Fejer (Cello);Karoly Schranz (Violin);Roger Tapping (Viola)
[Vocals] • Names of the individual vocalists in a band or performance
[Band] • The name of the band or musical group, as opposed to individual artists
• Sometimes the backup band for a primary vocalist
[Orchestra] • Name of the orchestra or ensemble
[Chorus] • Name of the choir or chorus
[Artist Roles] • Used for tracks from movies, shows or theatre to designate the name of a character or role
[Artist Alias] • This field can be populated with an alternate name for an artist, when an artist may be recognised by more than one name
• Eg The Bees, a UK band is known as A Band of Bees in the US
Fields in
Blue above are standard string fields which do not support lists
• [Artist]=2Pac, Ice-T, Ice Cube
Fields in
Red are list fields and support using semicolons to separate artists
• [Soloists]=Lisa Beznosiuk (Flute);Simon Standage (Violin);Trevor Pinnock (Harpsichord)
Multiple Artists & DelimitersThe ONLY delimiters used for listing multiple artists in any ‘artist’ field are commas (, ) and semicolons (; )
“ & “ and “ / “ will be treated literally and should not be used as delimiters
• Fred/Mary/Sally will be treated as a single artist “Fred/Mary/Sally”
• AC/DC will be treated as a single artist “AC/DC”
• Simon & Garfunkel will be treated as a single artist “Simon & Garfunkel”
• Sarah, Mary & Gary will be treated as two artists “Sarah” and “Mary & Gary”
o The comma is a delimiter, the ampersand is not
• Note this will not work well for you if you like to format [Composer] as Last Name, First Name as the comma will be used as a delimiter
Differential Use of Primary [Artist] FieldStart at 1, if doesn’t meet criteria, move to 2 etc.
1. Tracks which are primarily classical in nature and recognisable by composer, whether appearing in film or pop culture or not:
“Polonaise in F♯ Minor Op. 44” by Frédéric Chopin, performed by Artur Rubinstein • “Composer” is entered into [Artist] field in first name last name format
o [Artist]= Frédéric Chopin
• “Composer” is entered into [Composer] field in last name - first name format
o [Composer]= Chopin - Frédéric
• The “Performing artist” is entered into the [Soloists] field, role may optionally be appended as a suffix
o [Soloists]=Artur Rubinstein (Piano)
• Filename is in the format
o Multi-disc album
1-01. Frédéric Chopin - Polonaise in F♯ Minor Op. 44
o Single-disc album
01. Frédéric Chopin - Polonaise in F♯ Minor Op. 44
o Miscellaneous track
Frédéric Chopin - Polonaise in F♯ Minor Op. 44
2. Tracks in which are recognised primarily by artist, whether appearing in film or not:
“Ghetto Gospel” by 2Pac, featuring Elton John • “Artist” is entered in the [Artist] field
o [Artist]=2Pac
• Featuring artists are entered in the [Featuring] field
o [Name]= Ghetto Gospel
o [Featuring]= Elton John
• Filename is in the format
o Multi-disc album
1-01. 2Pac - Ghetto Gospel (feat. Elton John)
o Single-disc album
01. 2Pac - Ghetto Gospel (feat. Elton John)
o Miscellaneous track
2Pac - Ghetto Gospel (feat. Elton John)
3. Tracks appearing in a film or TV show, and which are primarily recognised as such (and not by a featuring artist or classical composer). These are usually ‘score’ tracks, otherwise vocalists are used as the primary artist
“Gift of a Thistle”, composed by James Horner, featured in the film “Braveheart” • The film or track’s “composer” is entered in both the [Artist] and [Composer] fields
o [Artist]=James Horner
o [Composer]=Horner - James
• The name of the film or TV show is entered into the [Movie] field
o [Movie]= Braveheart
• The movie title is used to prefix the filename:
o Multi-disc album
1-01. Braveheart - Gift of a Thistle
o Single-disc album
01. Braveheart - Gift of a Thistle
o Miscellaneous track
Braveheart - Gift of a Thistle
Examples'Act II No. 11: Duett - Bewahret euch vor Weibertucken' from "The Magic Flute" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
• [Artist]=Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• [Composer]=Mozart - Wolfgang Amadeus
• [Conductor]=Michael Halász
• [Orchestra]=Budapest Failoni Chamber Orchestra
• [Chorus]=Hungarian Festival Chorus
• [Lyricist]=Emanuel Schikaneder
'Concerto (for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord) in A Minor BWV 1044 ("Triple Concerto") I. Allegro' by Bach:
• [Artist]=Johann Sebastian Bach
• [Composer]=Bach - Johann Sebastian
• [Conductor]=Trevor Pinnock
• [Band]=The English Concert
• [Orchestra]=English Concert Orchestra
• [Solists]=Lisa Beznosiuk (Flute);Simon Standage (Violin);Trevor Pinnock (Harpsichord)
'All I Ask of You' from "The Phantom of the Opera", composed by Andrew Lloyd Weber and performed by Steve Barton and Sarah Brightman:
• [Artist]=Steve Barton, Sarah Brightman
• [Composer]=Andrew Lloyd Weber
• [Lyricist]=Charles Hart
• [Vocals]=Steve Barton;Sarah Brightman
• [Artist Roles]=Raoul;Christine
Combined Artist FieldCreate a new custom expression field [Artists]
=replace([Artist];[Arranger];[Composer];[Conductor];[Featuring];[Lyricist];[Soloists];[Band];[Artist Alias];[Vocals];[Orchestra];[Chorus];[Artist Roles],/, ,;)&DataType=[List]
This can be used in any views / panes as desired. Listcombine achieves the same result as far as I'm aware

In a similar way to Vincent's idea (ie appending the role of the artist in the piece) - you can build an expression with the approach:
• [Artist]\Primary Artist;[Arranger]\Arranger;[Composer]\Composer; ... etc
• This can build a nice list of artists with the performance role nested underneath. I have found it can be very slow though, so I don't use it routinely.
I then use a big massive rename function to sort out all of the above, plus single/multi-disc albums, non-albums, genres, coverart etc, but it uses so many custom fields I doubt anyone could make sense of it!