I have tried with Foobar and the problem is the same, no way of using Wasapi correctly. Now, with the last release, MC works fine but only with 16/44.1 file, not with high res files.
The only program that seems to work properly with Wasapi is Mediamonkey. I was suggested to use a particular wasapi plugin by Adionsoft" and this way Mediamonkey works.
The problem is that I do not want to use Mediamonkey, I prefer MC.
I am also pretty sure that part of the problem lies in the Scarlatti Upsampler, and I think will come soon, in a way of firmware update.
At the moment I have plenty of ripped cds, therefore I can accept for the time being to use wasapi for the ripped files and Asio4all for the hd files. The Scarlatti upsampler/ combo does such a good job that ripped files sound amazingly well.
I used to control my pc with an iPad and remote desktop, now the problem is that with Wasapi set, as soon as I start the remote connection, the sound stops. I guess it has something to do with wasapi settings related to the exclusive use of audio devices. Mediamonkey presents the same issue, therefore it is not a problem of MC, but maybe some settings in Windows 7, that I could not figure out yet.