Devices > Androids and other portables

Please help us identify your Android

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Please help JRiver maintain a table of Android devices.

To identify your Android, right-click your Android device under Drive & Devices and choose "Info Dump". (NOTE: This will require Media Center 15.0.136 and later)

Then, post the name of the device along with the vendor ID and product ID from the Info Dump.  If you have a link to a nice image of the device (PNG, with transparency), please post that as well.

Thanks for any help!

DeviceOS / NotesVendorIDProductIDHTC Dream / T-Mobile G1v1.0 (unlocked developer phone)29963073HTC Dream / T-Mobile G1v1.6 (unlocked developer phone)29963074Motorola Droid888816859Motorola Droid Xv2.229964089Nexus One299619985;19986Samsung Galaxy I7500125626176

Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000

Vendor ID: 1256

Product ID: 26743


My HTC Desire is being reported as a Droid X.

HTC Desire  Vendor ID:2996  Product ID: 4089

Very strange that according to the 2nd post the numbers are the same as the Droid X.

Maybe you should use the DeviceID instead: HT04NPL03897

Here's the info for my HTC EVO

Vendor ID: 2996
Product ID: 3213

Image Link


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