Well that is bad news...
I was planning on changing to an ATI graphics card so that I could use 88.2 and 176.4 files that don't work with the nvidia cards, and I thought that might solve my problem. Oh Well, with this amount of difference in drivers it looks like a WASAPI issue more than the drivers.
Well, I will still be changing video cards (can't live with re-sampling 88.2 & 176.4 because I'm a bit perfect kind of guy), but I can live with the crashing on close, I'm 100% hooked and committed to J River Media Center and will just keep putting her to sleep instead of shutting down...
Craig, could you confirm proper playback of 88.2 audio over HDMI with you ATI setup? I've searched the web, and the ATI site and it is very hard to find any kind of confirmation from any manufacture of this as 'supported'.
Thanks for the help and the advice.