I think I understand what you have done. Your assumptions are reasonable but they don't correspond to the way MC works. Some Questions and answers may provide a conceptual basis for understanding your problem.
Q1: How does MC know where to store files when you rip a CD?
The Tools/Options/File Location dialog specifies a base path and rules for folder and file names.
Q2: How does MC know where to search for files to import?
After you choose the Tools/Import command, the sequence of steps gives you a chance to specify a path to search for files to import. this process works a bit differently for one time imports and background imports.
Q3: When you tell MC to play a file, how does MC know where to find the file?
The library database contains a field named "Filename" that gives the location of each file. This field is normally set when you rip a CD or import files.
Note that ripping CDs, importing files and playback or other actions on music files use different information about file location.
--- back to your problem
> When I try to play something, I will get an error message that the library path is not right.
A quick test:
1. Be sure that in the view you are using, the "Filename" field is displayed. (Right-click on the column headings above the list of files and scroll down in the list of fields until you see "Filename". If it is not checked, click on it.
2. Choose a file that is on the removable drive and try to play it. If you get the same error message as before,
3. Scroll horizontally until you can see the "Filename" column in the file list for the file you just terieed to play. Does the filename begin with D: or E:?
If the filename begins with D:, you probably still have database entries for the files you imported on drive D:.
The Disk Location view under audio is a handy way to see what where MC thinks files in the library are located. Use this view to see whether the library has files on drive D: and/or e:.
You said that you imported the files from E:. Did you delete the files with the D:... filenames before you imported them from Drive e:? If not, you might delete those lines now.
When you delete files, MC will display a dialog asking if you want to remove the files from the library or to do want to delete them as well. You want to choose the first option "Remove from media library".
Here is a Wiki entry about moving files:
http://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/Moving_Files> But under Tools, Options, File Location, Audio, the path keeps reverting to D:\
> and I cannot get it to stay with E:\ or E:\ (D:). ...
I did not fully understand what you said. Three settings specify where music files will be placed when you rip a CD.
1) The first setting under "Audio" specifies a base path such as "E:\" or "e:\music".
2) The folder rule specifies the folder in which files will be placed relative to the base path. Don't duplicate the base path in the folder rule. The folder rule normally uses tag values to build the folder name.
3) The Filename rule specifies the way file names will be constructed using tag values. Don't duplicate the base path or the folder rule in the filename rule.