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Author Topic: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?  (Read 3916 times)


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Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« on: November 16, 2011, 10:22:03 am »

I've been using SB to grab some older TV shows, and it grabs a good description for each episode, but this information is (not surprisingly) not being pulled/imported into MC.

Is there any way to find/grab this description from SB and bring it into MC when it imports?  I'm not sure where the description is actually being stored.  If I look at SB, under a series, each episode shows an "i" in a circle, and when I mouse-over, it displays this description.

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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2011, 10:32:47 am »

You may want to try "Update Database from Tags."


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2011, 11:38:52 am »

You may want to try "Update Database from Tags."

Thanks.  I will try that when I get home, but even if that works, I'd just amend my request to "please 'automatically' pull the descriptions upon import, so I don't have to manually to it later" :)
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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2011, 12:45:12 pm »

came home for lunch, update from tags doesn't populate MC.  I looked thru the SickBeard folders, but can't find where this information is stored.  It's actually installed on the unRAID box (Linux), so maybe it's hidden on there somewhere, but i couldn't find it. 

Okay, dug some more, and I see a file here J:\plugins\sickbeard\SickBeard.db but don't know what program is needed to open/read it properly.  I opened with notebook++, which showed me enough to suggest the data is here, but I don't know how to grab/use it.  Here is one line from that file...

'ðï³The Best Burger in New YorkMarshall claims that he had the best hamburger in the world during his first week in New York City, but he forgot where the burger joint is located. The gang then hits the streets of Manhattan to help him find it. 0‚

I suppose just grabbing the descriptions from might be easier, I'm not sure.  Either way, I'd really like if MC could provide descriptions for shows it imports, some way or another.

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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2011, 02:25:39 pm »

If you're using the MC16 and Sickbeard Integration mod, you probably haven't configured it properly. The very purpose of that mod is to save the data retrieved by Sick Beard in JRsidecar.xml files in the series folders—so MC will automatically import them.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 03:57:14 pm »

Forgive me for the tangential question. If I already have a huge library of TV shows that do not have metadata, can Sickbeard (or something else) help me get that data? In other words, can SickBeard only collect data for items it has downloaded, or can I point it to existing folders on my server and say, "go get data for these shows now"?


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2011, 04:59:43 pm »

Sickbeard can scrape data and images for material that you already have on your computer.

Home->Manual Post-Processing

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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2011, 05:07:56 pm »

...or can I point it to existing folders on my server and say, "go get data for these shows now"?

It will continuously monitor your series folders and update data for whatever episode files are there. Sort of like what we're expecting MC to do on it's own soon. ;)

Home->Manual Post-Processing

...and I suppose that's how to force it to do so immediately. But it seems to do so on it's own quite regularly.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2011, 05:08:07 pm »

If you're using the MC16 and Sickbeard Integration mod, you probably haven't configured it properly. The very purpose of that mod is to save the data retrieved by Sick Beard in JRsidecar.xml files in the series folders—so MC will automatically import them.

My bad, I didn't search very well for that information; it's exactly what I was looking for.  It seems like the code was prepared months ago, but I can't tell if it ever made it into the official SB code/install.  I don't recall seeing any MC scripts, but I just briefly looked at that post, and haven't looked at SB since.  I'll re-read that when I get home.

Thank you for the link!

Sickbeard can scrape data and images for material that you already have on your computer.

Home->Manual Post-Processing

I believe this process will also result in SB looking for any/all "missing" episodes.  I think this is great, but if you don't want the missing ones to be downloaded, you might need to investigate further how to prevent that behavior, or just eliminate the NZB's after it's found/created them for you.
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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2011, 05:23:31 pm »

it is worth stressing to others that sickbeard is currently a really great way to get tv show information into mc from thetvdb.

 it is very easy to set up (actually, I can't remember having to tinker with it at all, maybe just the setting to make the jr sidecar file the default output).  the only burden is having to select the name of each show from thetvdb, but hey that isn't much of one. but this is done once and the rest is automatic. 
it can go through and rename all of your files, get good quality screenshots, get all of the episode metadata and season/show posters for you.  for new shows copied/downloaded (manually or from within sickbeard) they are automatically renamed and data scraped and MC picks up the info from the sidecar file as noted above.  information is kept in simple xml files in the directories with the show.  thoroughly recommend it until jr do something better.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2011, 05:42:15 pm »

I believe this process will also result in SB looking for any/all "missing" episodes.

...not if you change the Status to something other than 'Wanted'.

it can go through and rename all of your files

To attempt to clarify...I believe this refers to the process of renaming incoming files and moving them the download folder to the series folder (which is very cool). I'm not sure, but I don't think it needs or wants to rename files already existing in the series folders. I suppose someone starting to use it would have a problem if it does not recognize whatever file-naming scheme has been used for existing files.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2011, 07:09:26 pm »

Thanks everyone, especially Rick and Bryan. I've downloaded sickbeard a couple of times before but never got around to playing with it. One day I'll have time to investigate newsgroups too.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2011, 07:18:56 pm »

I tried to get it to rename my episodes, but since my destination folder was also the folder I tried to scan it kinda choked.  i just renamed the current folder, then told it to scan that folder, then it renamed everything per my setup and put all the episodes into the destination folder again (which it re-created), and deleted/removed the source folder when it was done.  A bit cumbersome, but a good 'protection' on the part of SB, and since it only needed to be done once, not a big deal really.

Okay, I just downloaded the file from the other thread, but it seems that's only for the windows version, but I'm running the Linux version on my server.

Does anyone know if/how I can get this new code incorporated into the Linux version?  Most of the folders and the files are different that what I currently have, and I'd rather not screw up my working setup experimenting.

I'm going to rename, then replace the script, but if that doesn't work, I'm just going to have to wait for some help :)

Also, any idea why this new code hasn't been pulled into SB yet?  It's about 6 months old now, it appears.
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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2011, 02:06:44 pm »

I believe this process will also result in SB looking for any/all "missing" episodes.  I think this is great, but if you don't want the missing ones to be downloaded, you might need to investigate further how to prevent that behavior, or just eliminate the NZB's after it's found/created them for you.

In the default options, you can choose if you want newly added episodes to be set to "skipped" or "archived", which will prevent them from being downloaded.

Also, the mod never made it into the official branch of Sickbeard. The development has been quite slow in recent months (currently about 60 submitted commits). Maybe if we say sgomes' name three times, he'll feel like creating a new binary of the alpha 489 w/ his mod.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2011, 03:00:00 pm »

The whole thing is kind of confusing to use if you just want to retrieve metadata for shows you have already.
I can't seem to add series to my sickbeard, using the MC build. Also, every time I select MC it reverts to mediabrowser.

What's the best way to completely uninstall it and start again? Since it runs in a web browser, there doesn't appear to be an application to uninstall the regular way.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2011, 03:04:26 pm »

This is only sort of on-topic, but coming soon:
NEW: 'Get Movie Info' is now 'Get Movie & TV Info'; television episodes are looked up at
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2011, 03:06:16 pm »

This is only sort of on-topic, but coming soon:
NEW: 'Get Movie Info' is now 'Get Movie & TV Info'; television episodes are looked up at

Fantastic, Matt. Thanks! Now the big question... since seasons of a series can have 20+ episodes, will this new feature still be restricted to one file at a time? Even so, it's an improvement over copy-pasting manually.

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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2011, 03:23:03 pm »

Maybe if we say sgomes' name three times, he'll feel like creating a new binary of the alpha 489 w/ his mod.

2. sgomes ;)

It would be nice to have some additional fields supported as well (as discussed in the original thread).


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2011, 03:47:11 pm »

will this new feature still be restricted to one file at a time? Even so, it's an improvement over copy-pasting manually.

One file at a time for now.  Any number of files in the future.  Silent mode as part of auto-import after that.

We're still trying to figure out how to build the UI for multiple lookups at once.  It probably needs to look and work a little like the cover art lookup tool.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2011, 04:02:55 pm »

One file at a time for now.  Any number of files in the future.  Silent mode as part of auto-import after that.

We're still trying to figure out how to build the UI for multiple lookups at once.  It probably needs to look and work a little like the cover art lookup tool.

Thanks for the info. It'll still be worth doing for the best shows, and I think that I'll wait for a maturer version for the other shows.

As for the GUI, I think something akin to the cover art would be a good idea indeed. It would be ideal if we could set up a file that gave identity of our fields we'd like the metadata fields to go into. A bit like the PVDImport plug-in did, e.g. genre on TVDB could go into genres in MC.


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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2011, 06:03:43 pm »

...coming soon:
NEW: 'Get Movie Info' is now 'Get Movie & TV Info'; television episodes are looked up at

Yes, thank you Matt!

We're still trying to figure out how to build the UI for multiple lookups at once.  It probably needs to look and work a little like the cover art lookup tool.

I agree.  I wonder if you could maybe consider a season similar to an album.  Meaning, if you can find the season, you can grab the data per episode similar to the way you currently find an album, then grab the data for each track/song?
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Re: Is it possible to pull the episode descriptions from SickBeard?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2011, 06:46:58 pm »

Also, every time I select MC it reverts to mediabrowser.

I was confused by that also.  But I think it is just the interface as the jr sidecar files are created.
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