This is a perfect example of how to make what should be a simple and productive discussion draining and unproductive. Ignore what others are taking care to explain, or assume their comments are for the sole purpose of disagreeing. In this case, I even went to the trouble of providing examples of issues we missed.
I was hoping we were done, but it seems not

First, why do you expect this should be "simple"? Thousands of individuals using a brand new tool, with more expected to follow, in the most customizable software, all wanting different things, and you think it will be "simple"?
How was it instead "unproductive" (excepting these last posts)?
I read every word printed here, and have not ignored anything. I cannot claim to have understood everything you have written, but not for lack of intelligence, nor trying. some of it is simply incomprehensible, or just 'rambling' and opinion presented as fact. I don't say that to be mean, or to "attack" you, it just doesn't make any sense. here is but one, of many, example(s).
In a folder structure organizing media by type, ending, for example in \Season [Season]\, all files pertaining to a particular season of a series belong in that folder. There's nothing wrong with then adding further folders for different file types, but it's inconsistent with the preceding structure. More importantly, like applications, most users will prefer to see media files along with whatever files are saved "beside" them. That, in fact, is the very purpose of saving them that way.
Why is adding an extra folder to keep related, but different use-case-type files separate from files I will actually use "inconsistent with the preceding structure"? I see it as a natural extension of that structure, as do others. All of the files still relate to the \Season [Season]\, but if my normal usage is to locate video files I can play by double-clicking, keeping files I can't play separated makes perfect sense, for my usage needs. It's not inconsistent at all; for my needs.
Then you go on to state that "most users will prefer"... yet, that's simply your opinion, and I disagree with it, as have many others in various, related threads.
Saving files of different usage/purposes in the same folder is NOT, in fact, the purpose of this structure. The purpose in my usage is to keep files related to a particular season grouped together to make them easy for me to find, but not to clutter the files I actually intend to use, thus the separation into a separate folder.
In my comments, I have provided several examples of potential pitfalls, and solutions or reasons they turned out to not be pitfalls. I pointed to your comment as a solution as well, 2 or 3 times actually. Saying you provided examples of issues we missed is not the same as providing examples.
Where are these examples of things we missed?I am not the one that appears to assume "comments are for the sole purpose of disagreeing". If I disagree, I will say so, and if I agree, I will say that also. If you care to see some examples of this, please re-read this thread, there are plenty to choose from, including some pictures.
I've now made some comments on use of subfolders and support of other applications. You've ignored them.
I addressed them at least twice, previously. I don't see the point in repeating myself.
All of my comments have been on the question introduced by Matt.
Sticking to one topic, and not thinking about potential issues related to it is not something to brag about, not to me anyway. Especially in a thread started to discuss another topic.
As for the issue that started this topic, it's still unclear to me exactly what is happening, or what bearing the meta data storage location might have on it
Really? After all your comments to me about not understanding, and ignoring you, you now tell me you don't understand the topic in question? Wow. Maybe that's why your comments don't really address the topic, you don't understand it. Perhaps that will be a good reason not to hit reply in the future?
The handling of series is something under development and obviously incomplete. Category cover art for series was introduced, and this caused some unexpected (at least by users) behaviour.
As I said, it caused some unexpected behavior exactly
because it (seemingly) wasn't thoroughly thought out and discussed
prior to implementation. Thus the reason I tried to include discussion about possible issues that might be introduced in the future, so as to avoid this unexpected behavior in the future.
It's difficult to say whether comments on and discussions about such things are of any use or not. They're probably worth mentioning, in case they're an unintended consequence the developers are unaware of.
NO, not "in case", BECAUSE the developers might be unaware of unintended consequences.
It's clear to me you are not actually reading and understanding what I'm writing, so please, seriously, don't reply. I'm certain that no one here wishes to see this continue; I certainly don't.
**Sorry Jim, I appreciate all that you folks do, and the complexities of this wonderful software. I know these last posts haven't been "your cup of tea", but I do think the topic warranted the extra discussion, or I wouldn't have bothered.
I'm going to bed now, and won't be responding to any more comments unless they specifically relate to 'Get Movie & TV Info' issues.