Wow - This is great!!!
I have a large library of files imported from SageTV. I previously did manual lookups of info for movies but it was too time consuming of a process. So this morning I ran the automatic process on my whole library and am very pleased with the results. Not perfect but darn good. A LOT of information that we previously didn't have.
For those of you not sure how to do this on existing libraries here's what I did:
1. Tools/Import.
2. Check Configure Auto Import and click on Next.
3. Be sure the folders where your videos show are correct. If not make them so here.
4. Check Build Thumbnails, Get Cover Art and Get Movie & TV Info then Finish.
5. MC will then search through all files in the listed folders and will add metadata per these rules:
1) The file is a movie or TV show (based on media sub type)
2) A lookup for the file hasn't been automatically performed in the last year
3) The file does not already have metadata (defined as a filled description, actors, or director for movies / filled description or actors for TV shows)
4) For TV shows, the file must have a valid season and episode number
6. The process may take awhile because it's going to the Internet for each Movie/Show that it needs data for. But it works in the background so you can do other things.
In the future, as long as your import folders are the same as what's configured you just do Tools/Import then Run Auto Import Now.
All very simple and it seems to work very well.
Thanks a lot JRiver and Team for a great improvement to an already wonderful program.