Ok let me first describe my network setup. The server, the office, and the Media Center will be the names of the networked computers.
From the Server I stream video content out to the other two computers office and media center. Now, from the server to the office while streaming 1080p content I average around 35mbits per second and have almost 0(roughly) writes to my ssd. This is a pleasing result and I would think a reasonable amount of network traffic to reflect what's being streamed.
However, when streaming from the server to the media center I get two different types of behavior dependent upon how the file is accessed.
Method 1 will result in 500+mbits per second sustained network traffic and constant writes on average of 55+mB per second to the ssd. Shortly after the ssd is filled to capacity I will get a blue screen code 124 (generic hardware failure). The media center will run for weeks as long as you don't stream video to it using J river and it doesn't appear to act up during streaming using any other player (vlc, windows media, etc...) These players will yield the normal 35+-mbits per second and have none of the ssd activity.
Method 2 will result in normal network traffic 35+- mbits per second and 0(roughly) writes to the ssd. J river essentially performs normally in regard to network activity when opening 1080p content using the method 2 described below.
My question is why all the network overhead and disc writes when opening a file from within the library on J river? What can I do about it? Is this a problem with the software and not my setup?
Method 1= file opened via j river connected library from media center computer.
Method 2= file opened via j river integrated shell command (without program open in background) in a mapped network drive explorer window from the media center computer.
P.S. The office computer does not exhibit this high network activity using either method 1 or 2. Both methods produce the expected 35+-mbits per second during playback.
P.S.S. The 1080p content used was the same piece of video for all tests and only the server and target computer where powered on during my tests. I have also installed fresh copies of win 7 x64 on all 3 machines, along with all updates and current drivers, without change to the behavior noted above.
Looking for help!!!