I would like to automate this process by running some sort of "post auto-import" automated action. But, I cannot figure out how.
I don't think you can, but I'd
really like some sort of tool like this too. I'd want it for more than just Renaming files, though.
What I really want is
something like SageJobQueue. In particular, I'd like to be able to do this:
When new files of certain types (and categories) come in, I'd like to schedule them to be automatically processed by a variety of external scripts. So, for example...
1. MC imports a new TS file recorded by my HD-PVR.
2. It gets imported immediately, and if [Series] is not equal to (certain transient shows I'm not going to keep anyway), it gets queued to be processed by...
3. A VideoReDo script that I have that does the stream quick fix and then remuxes the file to MKV. Do this in the middle of the night. (You could do commercial cutting and stuff like that as part of it too, if you wanted.)
4. Then (and this is the key part and hard part), MC's Library entry for that file gets changed from the original TS file to the new MKV file, and the old TS file gets deleted.
I could do steps 1-3 easily if I didn't want to import the files into MC immediately. I could process the files in a different folder, and then move them to a watched folder when done. But what about when I want to watch a show right after it finishes airing? I want MC to see the files immediately, but I don't want to lose my library data about the files and import new duplicates when the MKV gets created.
Plus, I'd like to be able to "trigger" this command conditionally depending on metadata in MC's Library. Like I said, I want to process The Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire, but not BBC News or The Daily Show, which are just going to be deleted in a day or two anyway.