I agree with everything you said except for the steel case thing. Apple markets that as "quality" but it is the same quality that the big 3 used to market against imports. They made big metal beasts that were "safer" because they were solid. That perception lasted right up until crash tests were mandated in North America. The foreign markets had them much earlier and already knew that that if the vehicle absorbed the impact, the occupants wouldn't have too. That statistics also proved that to be true.
Same with Apple cases: would you rather the case broke, or the impact was transferred to screen? Also what is better antenna wise? What is better for the pocket book? What is better weight wise. What is better heat wise? More expensive: yes. Better: I guess that is questionable. I do know that in many cases some plastics are better choices than metals. In fact they can even be more expensive. So I guess it really boils down to what plastics are used and how. Most plastic devices I've seen damaged it was the screen that broke, not the case.
And Apple's industrial design isn't quite there either. My Macbook Pro has had more issues than any device I have owned. Even laptops that were half the price. The power supply had to be replaced. At least that was free after the class action law suit that forced them to. Then the latch broke. Twice. Now it won't power on at all. I have several other laptops from the same era and not one has had any parts replaced and they are still functional. I also know of others in the same boat including some that are total Apple fan boys. Even after scores of issues they still claim Apple is better. Reminds me of people that own Mercedes' Even seen the repair records of them and how much is actually covered by warranty? Sheesh.
Man, I'm starting to sound like a bitter old man when the coffee isn't free with the $1.99 breakfast.

Just pointing out that what I see is a lot of hype. Personal experience shows me they don't live up to the claims. And for the record I've owned 2 ipods, 2 iphones and a MacBook, so I'm not some Apple hater. I'll also admit the metal does look nice as well. Apple products do look sharp.
As for the hybrids, I really hope someone makes a laptop\tablet. At this point no one has. Close but no cigar. But then again it is only round one. I'm sure great things are to come.