I really like that JRiver is integrated with YouTube. From what I can tell, the integration is currently limited to browsing with the internal browser and downloading videos one at a time.
Are there ways to do more than that? Broadly, I would like the following features:
A) Download the YouTube specific meta data like channel, my rating, my watched status, total views, the overall rating, source playlist, upload date, video ID, etc.
B) Download features:
* playlists into a JRiver playlist
* all videos and playlists on a channel
* subscriptions (option to download max X videos only new, newest to oldest, or oldest to newest within a playlist or channel)
C) Sync with my YouTube account
* video ratings / likes / dislikes
* playlists (ignoring local videos that are not already on YouTube)
* watch history
* etc.
D) Upload a JRiver playlist (ignoring videos not already on YouTube) to YouTube
This could easily be broken down into small enhancements and implemented a little at a time. For example, in order of my personal priorities:
1) Add and automatically synchronize YouTube specific rating and watch status fields
2) Download YouTube Playlists with one click, but otherwise using the same functionality as the current single videos downloads
3) Add fields for and download the primary YouTube metadata
4) ...
Is there a plug-in or a built in way to do any of that already? Are there plans to add any of that functionality and how soon? If not, how much of this would Media Center allow me to implement by writing plugins (I'm familiar with the YouTube API).