I configured the same layout, selected zone 3, and played audio. It played in zone 2 as expected (it's coming off an M:\ drive).
Did you configure each rule to stop the other 3 zones? Could you double-check something didn't get crossed with that part (since it adds up to a lot of settings)?

now that helps. i took all the stop rules away and it plays well. the moment i start too add a zone to stop, things get confused.
to not get too confused myself. lets say the rules are bound too the zones (not necessarily true)
1 [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video] [Volume Name]=[D:]
2 [Media Type]=[Audio]
3 [Media Type]=[Image],[Video] [Volume Name]=[Q:]
4 [Media Type]=[Video]
ill playback audio on disk Q.
when i add to the second zone something to stop an other zone, for instance 4, and all the other ones have no stop rule, the behaviour is: when zone 3 is active, playback start there, when an other is active, it all works as expected.
now when i take the rule for zone 4 away. the behaviour is only right when when zone 2 or 4 is active. when the others are active the files in zone 4 start to playback, or when pln in 4 is empty it says, 'there is nothing to play'.
when i take away the zone to stop in the second zone, all works.
when i add other stops to other zones, it gets more confusing, but i did double check, and there was not somekind of loop.
later ill try otherthings, maybe the pattern gets clearer..
