Ok, here it is briefly.
This is a panes view that shows two media types: Audio and Video. It shows the stats you wanted, each in its own pane.

Here is a selection of Media Type=Audio and one album selected. The stats are updated as you can see:

The code to do this is not difficult, just difficult to read. It requires two components: the rules for file display for the view, and pane entities themselves.
Rules for file display contains two segments: the first initializes the global variables we want to use; the second performs the increments. This works because MC runs each listed rule on the entire current set of files. So when doing this stuff, always think Stage 1: Initialize, Stage 2: Perform work.
Here are the rules split apart for easy reading, and also in the code block for easy copy/paste:
[=save(0,v_ntracks)save(0,v_nalbums)save(0,v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)])save(0,v_tduration)save(0,v_tsize)1]=1 [=save(math(1+[v_ntracks]),v_ntracks)ifelse(isequal(load(v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)]),0),save(math(1+[v_nalbums]),v_nalbums))save(math(1+load(v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)])),v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)])save(math([duration,0] + [v_tduration]),v_tduration)save(math([file size,0] + [v_tsize]),v_tsize)1]=1
Stage 1. This just initializes each variable we'll use to 0. Note that the v_ntracks[...][...] variable is a unique variable per album/album artist (auto) pairing. This gives us tracks per album, and might need further refinement to uniquely define an album.
save(0,v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)])
Stage 2: This next stage does the incrementing. It adds 1 to the number of tracks, adds 1 to the number of albums but only for the first track seen for the album, adds 1 to the number of tracks-per-album (which can be used elsewhere, but is not currently being used otherwise), and increments the total file duration and total file size by the file's duration and size respectively.
ifelse(isequal(load(v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)]),0),
save(math(1+load(v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)])), v_ntracks[album][album artist (auto)])
save(math([duration,0] + [v_tduration]),v_tduration)
save(math([file size,0] + [v_tsize]),v_tsize)
Now, the size pane columns are configured as:
[Media Type]
FormatDuration([v_tduration]) : math([v_tduration] / 3600) hours
FormatFileSize([v_tsize]) : [v_tsize] bytes
Note that there is a new feature being employed here. Global variables can now be referenced as if they were fields once they have been defined with a Save() function. So [v_ntracks] is just shorthand for load(v_ntracks). If you don't have MC 18.0.126, replace these pseudo-field entities with the equivalent load() functions, both in the panes expressions and in the Rules for file display.