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Author Topic: Combining two-part or double albums  (Read 13249 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Combining two-part or double albums
« on: March 22, 2013, 03:56:56 am »

I am new to JRMC18. I would like to know the recommended way to combine two folders together.

The details follow. I have two folders on my disk that read Atlàntida 1 and Atlàntida 2 by Manuel de Falla. I know I should combine these in the software rather than using Finder on my Mac. Thing is I do not know the correct process. In the tree (top-left of MC18) I go to albums view and see the two albums showing up there. When I right-click, I can get to the Library tools options. I know I want to a) rename Atlàntida 1 to just Atlàntida, and b) move Atlàntida 2 into Atlàntida. I just don't know how to do it, as I am given many options.

How do I combine a double album into one (in MC18 and the actual hard-drive folder structure) using JRMC18?
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2013, 11:41:18 am »

For most folks, the easiest way to accomplish this is to use the Rename tool with rules that use the file tags.

Here's a similar response:

As you enter the fields into the Rename dialog, take note of the paths shown in the preview window.  Once you have the tags correct, the Rename will to the rest.  Add filename rules that suit your tastes, such as [Track #] - [Name].

Since you're combining multiple discs into a single folder, you might want to renumber the tracks.  The Library Tools > Fill Track Numbers from List Order tool can help.  Or you can set Track # and Disc # as they are on the original media.
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2013, 01:54:44 pm »

Thanks for your reply MrC. I have inched forward in my understanding of MC18.

I have followed your instructions. I went to Audio>Albums view>Atlàndida 1. Then I went to the right of the screen,, selected all of the files and right-clicked. In Library tools> Rename, move and copy files I set the following:

Rename (moves files if director changes.
X Directories
Base Path- changed name from Atlàntida 1 to Atlàntida
Rule- left blank
x use "Multiple Artists"

X Filename and
Rule [Track #] - [Name]

Blank for "Find and Replace."

This left my file structure on the hard disk intact.

I changed the name in the tree view, and ditto.

How can I force JRMC18 to change folder names on my computer?

It's been said before: it's not a very intuitive programme. Powerful yes, but I wish there were a video or a page that explains the exact settings for "folder housekeeping".
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2013, 02:18:58 pm »

By switching between Finder and MC18 I have managed to change Atlàntida 2 files into Atlàntida folder on the computer, but the folders in MC18 are separate. So I dragged the second part of the album into the first in tree view. Is this three-part process the recommended way of combining multi-disc albums? Or is there a way of coordinating the whole process on MC18?
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2013, 05:07:28 pm »

Generally, if you are just combining two filesystem Folders, you can do this in the Finder (or Explorer in Windows).  Just drag your files from one folder to another, rename the folder you want, and delete the empty one.  Run MC's Tools > Import... > Run Auto-Import Now command and MC will fix the links.

There's a lot to explain about how MC manages files and folders, and you're best off taking small steps if the program is overwhelming to you.

One thing - Set up your paths and rules in Tools > Options > File Locations > Audio.  Other parts of the program will use these.
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2013, 05:10:23 pm »

X Directories
Base Path- changed name from Atlàntida 1 to Atlàntida
Rule- left blank
x use "Multiple Artists"

Your Base Path should be the base of your entire Music folder (e.g. /Users/Michael/Music).

The folder rule will be a rule that can use tag values such as [Album] and [Artist].   See the post above regarding setting File Locations so that the Rename tool can use these rules (by selecting the presets in the lower-left of the tool).
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2013, 08:31:20 am »

OK MrC I have understood all of your first post and the first paragraph of your second post. I have in a way got my desired results from following your instructions with a bit of bodging around (again by placing the second album icon on the first in the MC library). I reckon I need to read the manual with lots of time, from start to finish, in the getting started and underway versions of the manual. Thank you for your help in all of this, and indeed for contributing to the manual itself.
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2013, 09:39:08 am »

Hello again MrC, I have read Up and Running: Tagging and Library Tools.

When I merge folders in Finder and then click Import>Autoimport the double files do not merge in MC18.

In Tools>Import>Configure>Auto-Import I have set the media folder (3 folders above the actual music files) as the Watch Folder.

Am I missing something?

Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2013, 11:28:26 am »

I have a similar slight related question which is, is there a way to tell MC that I want to have multi disc albums treated as single albums where the internal tags specify disc 1 of 2, etc?

I was hoping for some sort of preference like the ignoring articles a,an,the.

I know I effectively do this in iTunes and/or with software that corrects the file tags.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2013, 12:34:26 pm »

@ -Michael

I'm not sure where you are now, with respect to the changes you've made since your original post.  It seems you were trying to accomplish two things: 1) combine the actual file folders for two discs into a single folder, and 2) have MC present the single album comprised of those two discs into a single album grouping.  If you could select all the files from that album, and export a playlist, and attach it to a reply here, it might make it easier to get to the quick of the matter.

Select all your tracks for the two-disc album, and do File > Export Playlist:

   Format: Text File (CSV deliminted)
   Included Fields: All Fields
   Output Range: All

Zip (compress) the file and attach it in a reply.

@ kiwi

In what aspect do you want MC to track a multi-disc album as a single album (a categories view, the file list Group By, etc.)?

Articles are ignored via Tools > Options and search "article"
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2013, 01:20:33 pm »

@ kiwi

In what aspect do you want MC to track a multi-disc album as a single album (a categories view, the file list Group By, etc.)?

Articles are ignored via Tools > Options and search "article"

Yeah, I have the articles ignored set, I was using that as an example of the feature I was hoping to have.

At any rate, I would like every 2+ disc set to show up as only one album where ever albums are visible.  For instance if I go into the artist and there is a multi disc set, I'd like it to show up as one album, if I look at it in the album view, I'd like it to be one album. etc.  At least for me, I don't really treat or think of multi disc albums as being two separate albums.  Just one long album that happened to span two discs.  

I'm hoping that if I go and fill in information from the internet, that these settings could continue to be applied, etc.

Maybe I can play around with how tags are applied or something.  I'll take a look and see.

(I'm happy to start a new thread and move this to it, so it doesn't get off the original topic)


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2013, 02:44:29 pm »

Set the Album tag to be exactly the same for all tracks across all discs, and MC will preset the album as a single entry in its default views.
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2013, 04:23:25 pm »

Yeah, I know that I can manually set it. 

I was wondering whether there were any settings that would tell MC to either ignore (disc 1) info and/or automatically tag the albums w/o "disc number" info.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2013, 04:54:17 pm »

Automatically?  No.

You can setup a auto-import rule that removes a disc number from your album and one that places it in Disc #.
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2013, 04:23:27 am »

Zip (compress) the file and attach it in a reply.

Here is the file. I am having trouble with Des Canyons aux Étoiles. The folder combines both discs yet MC gives me a two-album view.

Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2013, 01:10:25 pm »

Change your Album names:

    Des Canyons Aux Étoiles [Disc 1];
    Des Canyons Aux Étoiles [Disc 2];


    Des Canyons Aux Étoiles

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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2013, 04:26:22 pm »

I did that and it worked. So there are three steps to doing this:

1) Merge the files into one folder in finder. Make sure file names have disk number before track number and name.
2) Auto-import: to get the links back working again - there should be a dialogue box to that effect.
3) Rename the albums in MC18.

Thanks for the walkthro, I really appreciate it.

The export to Excel is also dead useful - I was wanting to keep a record of my music on my iPhone.
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2013, 07:17:07 pm »

To be clear, it is not necessary to place each disc's tracks into a single folder.  Many of us store tracks in folders like you had previously:

    Album (CD1)
    Album (CD2)

and set the album name to Album.  We also use MC's expression rules to maintain this structure.  So long as your tags are correct, and you use rules, the structure can relocate the files to a rule-based file system layout.  And vice versa - the filesystem structure can help fill tags.

Auto-import is used only when files are imported.  If you placed an album you acquired into an MC-watched folder, MC will import it automatically shortly after you move the files there.  And with auto-import rules, MC can fill the tags from that structure.
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2013, 07:18:10 pm »

The export to Excel is also dead useful - I was wanting to keep a record of my music on my iPhone.

Can you clarify this?
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2013, 11:17:45 am »

Can you clarify this?

It is nice to have with me a list of the albums and works I have at home when going into a music storeto look for new/old CDs.

The clarification in your last but one post MrC is interesting. I had assumed I would want the file structure to mirror MC's view of music as much as possible. I am now beginning to see how this assumption can be simplistic and just plain wrong.

"Expression rules" and "rule-based file system layout" are new concepts to me. I am having to think about how I want to relate the digital folders with a screen view for the first time, and it is going to take me a while.
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.


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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2013, 12:14:56 pm »

It is nice to have with me a list of the albums and works I have at home when going into a music storeto look for new/old CDs.

That's what I love having JRemote for.  It has my full collection visible and I can search and find anything to see if I have it =D


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Combining two-part or double albums
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2013, 05:44:33 am »

I have JRemote also but when away from home cannot see my collection on it. It says "Searching server ..." and remains blank. I have cached images, so that makes two indications that I should see my collection on the iPhone.

Hmm, time for a new post  on this. Kiwi - thanks for your suggestion.
Synology 214Play, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Roksan Kandy Amp, Dynaudio 42s, Magnum Dynalab 105T & attenuator, Nordost, TNTAudio and Furutech cables.
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