Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but I have looked and can't find an answer. There seem to be a few basic layouts for movies being displayed in theater view. When selecting "Name" or "Recent," the movies are all displayed in a long ribbon across the screen, left to right in a single row. When selecting Grid or other views, the movies are displayed in a grid pattern with multiple rows. Some of the grid views show the info panel on the right and some do not. I've been playing around with adding a new item in Theater View, with a custom sort, but I cannot seem to control the basic view that is used, and I want my new view to look like the "Name" view, without the grid pattern for the movie cover art, if possible. Other than that, my new view appears to be working - it is just displayed in the grid pattern, which I cannot seem to change. Does anyone know how to control the basic view format for new Theater View items? Thanks!