Glad to hear we got the zone folks working.
I very rarely use zones. When do you switch zones normally? Which page of the program would it be most convenient to change them? I know it's not obvious at the moment but when viewing video and images you have the ability to tweak the displays and rotate images on the fly by sliding the main screen up to reveal buttons to change display, views and rotate images. I hope in a future version to panorama the main screen and provide unique control modes for TV Shows, TV DVRs, Image slideshows etc...
I tend to keep the app open, when it is shuffled background, lockscreened etc... it stops all updates and queries and is pretty much doing nothing until awakened.
A new version will be on the way for a couple problems, the folks using authentication are missing titles in the album page. That is the only query that doesn't take a token for authentication, so I've found a fix for it. Also I guess some light themes are having problems with icons. I know the fix on that as well just has to tweaked in several spots.
Can't get it today though I'm off for eye surgery in a couple hours so won't be able to play computer today ;-)