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Author Topic: Add a Mixing Matrix feature for channel mapping and managment, please  (Read 7089 times)


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Can you please add a mixing matrix to DSP Studio?

I'm currently trying out JRiver together with Lynx Aurora 16 to replace the need for a prepro. To give you a bit of background. My system is fully active and I come from a setup where I used a prepro together with a couple of miniDSP 4x10 HD's. JRiver and Lynx is obviously superior in most if not all respects.

miniDSP has a great solution to this with the mixing matrix.

The way JRiver currently works with respect to channel mapping is quite confusing as there is no option to rename the channels. I suggest that you keep the existing channel mapping system and add this as an additional feature so people can dictate exactly what channels go where.

Like this

Or like this. You could even enable us to rename the output channels like this

One problem is that the ratio of summation of the signal should be customizable. With miniDSP a summed signal will add +6dB and that's not beneficial, so maybe a wise solution with less workload would be to enable

1) A primary channel mapping feature where you set everything up and can give the outputs custom names.
2) Use the current "Parametric Equalizer" feature to do further changes.


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Re: Add a Mixing Matrix feature for channel mapping and managment, please
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2016, 12:54:36 pm »

I was just discussing this with someone this weekend. The lack of ability to rename channels in JRiver makes it difficult to keep track of what is going on when doing active crossovers.

He was using the miniDSP 4 x 10 and I was showing him how to do active crossovers in JRiver. My MOTU audio device also allows for channel naming which makes it easy to use the routing matrix.

I have the Lynx Aurora 16, too, and it works great with JRiver. Don't let the current lack of channel renaming deter you from using it. I just write a matrix on paper to keep track of JRiver's channels.

I really like the separate routing tab in the MOTU drivers and the miniDSP. Currently when doing routing in JRiver, I usually use Parametric Equalizer for routing and Parametric Equalizer 2 for filters. It seems easier to turn things on/off for testing. I would like to see a separate routing DSP in JRiver that is separate from the Parametric Equalizer sections.

RD James

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Re: Add a Mixing Matrix feature for channel mapping and managment, please
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2016, 04:58:32 pm »

It would certainly make mixing a lot easier.
However, I wonder if it might also make some tasks a lot more complicated than picking a channel from a list.
Depends how it is implemented I suppose.


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Re: Add a Mixing Matrix feature for channel mapping and managment, please
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2016, 09:21:19 pm »

I'm being a bit lengthy here in hopes of inspiring some ideas.

It would certainly make mixing a lot easier.
However, I wonder if it might also make some tasks a lot more complicated than picking a channel from a list.
Depends how it is implemented I suppose.

Yes, a lot simpler. Now I (we?) have to keep a spreadsheet handy to remember which channel is what as I don't follow the naming convention of JRiver. It kind of feels like a hack job, but I do realize that we're probably not that many who leverage the power of JRiver for this purpose yet and it's much simpler for most people to follow the standard channel routing and naming convention.

A way to implement it without interfering with the usability for most people would be to add a new option to DSP Studio which takes precedence over the standard config when ticked. In the mixing matrix one should at least be able to route channels and rename them. It would also be nice to set the percentage of each channel. For example if you want to mix 50 % of LFE with 25 % of L and 25 % of R or something like that.

If you set new names the new names should appear in other parts of the program, such as DSP Studio's parametric Equalizer feature.

Equalizer APO (open source DSP) has solved this rather nicely in their new GUI. It's not perfect, but it's getting there. You can mix and copy channels and set their percentages.

Notice those arrows going between channels. You can set up multiple arrows going left, right and center, and you can click those arrows and set the factor between 0-1 for each. So 25 % would be 0.25 etc.

I was just discussing this with someone this weekend. The lack of ability to rename channels in JRiver makes it difficult to keep track of what is going on when doing active crossovers.

He was using the miniDSP 4 x 10 and I was showing him how to do active crossovers in JRiver. My MOTU audio device also allows for channel naming which makes it easy to use the routing matrix.

I have the Lynx Aurora 16, too, and it works great with JRiver. Don't let the current lack of channel renaming deter you from using it. I just write a matrix on paper to keep track of JRiver's channels.

I really like the separate routing tab in the MOTU drivers and the miniDSP. Currently when doing routing in JRiver, I usually use Parametric Equalizer for routing and Parametric Equalizer 2 for filters. It seems easier to turn things on/off for testing. I would like to see a separate routing DSP in JRiver that is separate from the Parametric Equalizer sections.

I have been playing around these last few days and it's a stellar setup so I will purchase JRiver as it is worth every penny, but I hope they take this seriously as it is a real headache to keep track of everything, and a costly mistake would be removing a high-pass filter on the wrong channel. :)

I totally agree with you on a new routing option in DSP studio which is separate from the PEQ. Let's hope more people join this thread so they see that a part of their customer base wants this feature.

One thing I wonder, are the HPF/LPF in JRiver Linkwitz-Riley or Butterworth filters? I haven't come around to measure yet, I've just taken all the settings I have worked on from the miniDSP boxes and tried to put them into JR.

I'm totally loving this and can't wait to set up different zones for IIR only, FIR+IIR, try out FIR brick wall filters and what not. These next few years are going to be exciting!! :D


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Re: Add a Mixing Matrix feature for channel mapping and managment, please
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2016, 12:57:58 am »

Equalizer APO (open source DSP) has solved this rather nicely in their new GUI. It's not perfect, but it's getting there. You can mix and copy channels and set their percentages.
my preference would be for jriver to support an externalised config file format for this to make it easy to load/edit/backup complete configs. A shiny gui would then be a way to sit something on top of that config format (and in fact it would mean that anyone could contribute a gui if they wanted to).

One thing I wonder, are the HPF/LPF in JRiver Linkwitz-Riley or Butterworth filters? I haven't come around to measure yet, I've just taken all the settings I have worked on from the miniDSP boxes
They are are Butterworth filters.



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Re: Add a Mixing Matrix feature for channel mapping and managment, please
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2016, 10:21:58 am »

my preference would be for jriver to support an externalised config file format for this to make it easy to load/edit/backup complete configs. A shiny gui would then be a way to sit something on top of that config format (and in fact it would mean that anyone could contribute a gui if they wanted to).
They are are Butterworth filters.

Good idea, I concur. :)

Thank you!


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is it possible to use jriver media 21 parametric equalizer with older version jriver 16/15

Paul W

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Has there been any progress on this?


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Sorry to revive this old thread but I would love to see this feature added to JRiver too if we could it please.



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Many features from this thread are implemented in a 3rd party UI,129609.0.html
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