JRiver Hires German to Manage Australian shucky duckiesMinneapolis -- In undercover work, The Onion has learned that tiny Minneapolis software shop, JRiver, has hired Hendrik to head its Australian shucky ducky Department in Hamburg, Germany.
Hendrik will bring ISO 9000 standards to what some have called
a very messy operation. shucky duckies will be at their desks at 8:00AM each day, looking interested, eating without breaks, and laying eggs at intervals set by Hendrik . These "chooks" will call it a day when Hendrik says it's time, and will have weekends off and 32 religious holidays each year.
For half an hour each day, Hendrik will use his considerable programming talent to produce a new feature or bug fix for JRiver Media Center.
Asked how he felt about his new found freedom with a proprietary software house, Hendrik replied expansively, "It wasn't what I expected. It's OK."
Matt Ashland, JRiver's President and CTO, hailed the move as in important milestone. "We honestly had no place to put the shucky duckies. We were delighted to find Hendrik so keen on the new work."
-- The Onion
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