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Author Topic: Display view & monitor association  (Read 1503 times)


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Display view & monitor association
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:10:34 pm »

With MC18, I could play a video and it would immediately begin playing on my HDTV (Display #2 via HDMI) and MC18's standard view (display #1) would close, and stopping the video would bring standard view back.  However, with MC19, if I play a video, it will start up in "attached display" within standard view (display #1) and I have to detach it before it will switch to my HDTV, and standard view never closes.

This may seem like a small inconvenience -- however, the MC18 situation allowed all this to be accomplished via my JRiver remote control -- now I have to leave the comfort of my sofa, right-click the display and detach it.  I've found the association of Display with choice of monitors (options=>tree & view), but MC19 seems to ignoring the setting(?)

As an aside, with MC18 and all settings being the same for standard view, when I played music the album art would show in the attached display and standard view would not close.  Therefore, MC18 seemed to make a distinction between video & audio in this regard -- i.e., it would associate video with a detached display window that would default to my HDTV ... and with music it would associate album art with the attached display within standard view.  What is different with MC19? ... and where is the option for making MC19 behave like MC18?

Please advise ...

TIA  :)
cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland


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Re: Display view & monitor association
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 12:05:20 pm »

Hmm... When I change the same setting you tried in 19 (options=>tree & view) it works just as you expected it to.  I'm not sure what would cause what you're describing.  You've tried 18 recently with the exact same setup and it works?  Just as an experiment I guess I would try setting up your #2 display as display #1 and see how they behave that way. 
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: Display view & monitor association
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 12:54:11 pm »

... When I change the same setting you tried in 19 (options=>tree & view) it works just as you expected it to.  I'm not sure what would cause what you're describing.  ... 

This is a bit embarrassing to report, but I no longer have the problem I described above.  "Embarrassing" because the change happened simply after loading a different library (one that I use for organizing a subset of my library for my iPod), and then loading again my main library.  Except for the behaviour when choosing to play a video, I have no idea what is now configured different.

Thanks for your response ...
Cheerios  :)
cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland
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