Here is the description of my experience. Managed to successfully install on xubuntu 13.04 x64. Installing with dpkg it kept complaning about the dependency of xfonts-75dpi, though i had it installed. Anyway, after editing the control file, I installed it without issues.
Media center seg faulted with the default audio card of my notebook. However, the audio works fine with my meridian explorer DAC: JRiver managed to play flac, dsf and sacd iso files without issues. That was it!!! I instantly bought the early bird license. I can't believe I'm using jriver media center natively on linux, listening to hi-res music (that's what i'm doing right now while writing).
Still, there are lots of bugs. here are a few of the most important ones for me:
- Can't change the volume (have to open alsamixer in terminal and change the volume of the dac through there).
- can't resize window, minimize, maximize, whatever...
- nothing happens when clicking "open media file", can't browse files and open them with jriver (had to add folder in main library)
But, the important thing is, i'm already enjoying my music through jriver for linux