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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.70 for Debian  (Read 2513 times)


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JRiver Media Center 19.0.70 for Debian
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:14:14 pm »

Purchase link

19.0.70 (11/4/2013)

1. Changed: Timeout changed to Dec 8 2013

19.0.65 (10/29/2013)

1. Changed: An icon now appears in the Unity dock (and others) when minimized. No title yet ;)
2. Fixed: http authentication. Allows Library server auth to work.
3. Changed: Removed ogg support until the input plugin is repaired.

19.0.62 (10/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Windows title. Shows when minimized.
2. Changed: Program binary name is now mediacenter19 to allow side-by-side versions to run properly.
3. Changed: Updated debian build package to be more to spec. To replace the current version first remove the existing version (will not affect library or settings). Do this by: sudo dpkg -r mediacenter. Then install the new build. For non-debian systems, remove /usr/bin/mediacenter.

19.0.61 (10/24/2013)

1. Fixed: Pause now works with ALSA playback.
2. Fixed: Dragging the main window to position it was not working nicely.
3. Fixed: Menu tracking and keyboard navigation was not working properly.
4. NEW: Added desktop files and icon.

19.0.60 (10/22/2013)

1. Changed: Better ALSA device enumeration, should help to coexist with pulseaudio.

19.0.59 (10/21/2013)

1. Fixed: SSDP discovery stopped working after a short time.

19.0.57 (10/17/2013)

1. Changed: Prevent message boxes from popping up in /mediaserver mode.
2. Fixed: DLNA, problems with some http 1.1 devices.

19.0.56 (10/10/2013)

1. Changed: Attempt to back off requirements to SSE2.
2. NEW: If the default lucida font isn't found will fall back to a different font (requires the xfonts-100dpi package)

19.0.54 (10/08/2103)

1. NEW: Added support for 24-bit ALSA devices.
2. Fixed: When playback failed to start, it could lead to a crash.
3. Fixed: Mouse move tracking was not working, causing many UI issues.
4. Fixed: Typing in an edit control that showed suggestions could segfault.

19.0.53 (10/07/2013)

1. Fixed: Window minimize, maximize, and restore work.
2. NEW: Compiled without SSE support. Need Feedback.

19.0.52 (10/4/2013)

1: NEW: Fallback to S16_LE sound if the ALSA driver doesn't support S32_LE.
2: Fixed: Font spacing and switched to Lucinda.
3: Fixed: Added more package dependencies.

19.0.51 (10/3/2013)

1. NEW: First build.

Mike Noe

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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.70 for Debian
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 06:59:38 pm »

fwiw, MCWS is reporting back v.69 (see attached).

I assume all command line options are not available yet?  I'm also finding some MCWS commands not working.   You guys want a list of that stuff yet?

FYI, I've been banging on the "MC server" (running on openSuse 13.1RC2) with both linux and windows clients using MCWS (not that it matters what client, I guess) and it's been very solid other than the odd command here.
openSUSE TW/Plasma5 x86_64 | Win10Pro/RX560
S.M.S.L USB-DAC => Transcendent GG Pre (kit) => Transcendent mono OTLs (kit)
(heavily modded) Hammer Dynamics Super-12s (kit)
(optionally) VonSchweikert VR8s


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.70 for Debian
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 07:08:33 pm »

I assume all command line options are not available yet?  I'm also finding some MCWS commands not working.   You guys want a list of that stuff yet?


You might also test the same commands against the Windows version to see if it's MCWS or Linux related.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.70 for Debian
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 02:25:20 pm »

Just installed it on my Ubuntu 13.10 box that houses my music library I've carefully assembled over the past 8 years.  I have a permanent back problem but now can control my music even when lying down (using a Windows 7 tablet) thanks to this integrated, multi-platform, great sounding piece of software.
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